Chapter 33 - The Last Time

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Coal red eyes blazed at me from the darkened corner between the blinding flashes of the strobe lights. Stark terror paralyzed my body with a claw ripping down my spine and the demon's hissing whispers scraped my nerves, raising goosebumps all across my skin.

The memory of Jorden's fiery eyes flashing as he lunged for my throat and I stumbled backward as my heart lurched with the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

A touch on my shoulder caused me to whirl around, shrinking away from the hand that had grabbed me.

"You okay, hun?" Chelsea's concerned voice brought me back to reality.

Looking around, no eyes glared at me. The demon had vanished, taking with it it's stifling presence, leaving only the relaxed atmosphere of the club-goers letting their hair down on the dance floor.

"I'm fine!" I shouted over the blaring music, shrugging off the lingering cold the demon's presence had left me with. "The light's are just really flashy!"

With laughter alight in her eyes, Chelsea grabbed my hand and lead me to a bench tucked away in a corner where the lights weren't as blinding nor the music so deafening. "Evie, I know the club isn't really your scene, so if you wanna go somewhere else, that's fine. We could go to the movies, admire some hot actor ass, eat some popcorn and too much candy..."

Grinning at her offbeat humor that she'd wholeheartedly insist serious, I smacked her arm. "Chelse! You said you met someone. No more ogling butts for you, I'm sure your boyfriend wouldn't want you scoping out the finer displays of the male species."

"His name is Connor, and he's not my boyfriend. Not yet anyway. But it would be a crime not to appreciate such fine works of art, and besides, it's for your sake really, not mine."

"Sure it is." A laugh bubbled its way through my smiling lips; my terror from the moment before now a fading memory. That's one of the things I've always loved most about Chelsea. Her bubbly, fun attitude is infectious, and no matter what she can make you laugh. Not even my blackened soul could weigh down her uplifting spirit.

"But really, I'm good with staying here. Your blossoming romance with Connor is something to be celebrated. And honestly, I'm up for having some fun, letting my hair down for once, you know? Especially since I'm going to be spending some time living with my mom and I won't get to spend time with you like this."

Chelsea wove a stray curl between her fingers, fiddling with her golden hair. "We'll still be able to hang out though, babe. Won't we?"

Guilt seeped into me. Chelsea was my only friend in the world, and here I was, abandoning her to please myself. Selfish. Trailing my gaze to the floor so I wouldn't have to look her in the eye, I picked at the blue fabric of my sweater. "Chelse... My mother lives out of state. When I leave in the morning, there won't really be much chance for us to hang out. Not with so much distance between us."

She reached out and clasped my hands in hers, stopping me from pulling the thread on my sweater.

Still, I refused to look at her. "If you don't want me to leave, I'll stay. You're my best friend and I don't want to lose you." Even though it would kill me to give up the mother I could have, I would. I had spent too long absorbed in my own misery, and it was high time I paid Chelsea back for her never-ending loyalty to me.

"Don't be stupid, Evelyn." Her sharp tone was enough to make me look up, but her face held no trace of anger, only compassion, and love. "She's your mother, and you've waited your whole damn life for this. I don't know what drugs you're on, but I would never ask you to give that up. You're my best friend, Evie, you know that, and I want you to be happy even if that means I don't get to see you for a while. Understood?"

Hugging her tight, a sob escaped my chest. I loved Chelsea like a sister, and it was moments like these that I knew how much she loved me too.

Come the morning, I would be headed back to the faerie realm to explore my life as the heir to the throne, but locked in the arms of the only sister I had ever known, I swore this wouldn't be the last time I saw Chelsea.

Has Evelyn been selfish and undeserving of Chelsea's loyalty? Will she see her again, or will this indeed be the last time?

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Has Evelyn been selfish and undeserving of Chelsea's loyalty? Will she see her again, or will this indeed be the last time?

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