Chapter 41 - Break Down the Walls

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At first, her silence was frightening. She listened without a sound, giving me no indication of what she might be thinking of the ludicrous tale I was weaving. But when I faltered, she reached out to squeeze my hand. A wordless reassurance to keep talking and her silence became encouraging.

She gifted me with open ears and heart. Time for me to say what needed saying, without fear of interruption or judgment.

I poured out my soul, the details of my life I had never thought to lay on the shoulders of my friend. Starting with the things I saw as a child, the scars I had received as payment for reaching out to trust.

One by one, I let my words break down the walls I had formed the day I had told the doctors their treatments were working. I told her about the pills and therapy. About the constant wondering if I was as crazy as they said. If something really was wrong with me.

And still, she listened. Calm as a gentle, summer breeze as I told her the truth Zev had told me, and brought light to the lies I had hidden behind.

"I'm sorry I never trusted you with any of this before."

Her smile succeeded in easing the pressure in my chest. "You'd have been crazy to. I wouldn't have trusted myself with something so fucked up. But I'm kinda glad you did."

"So you don't think I'm crazy?"

"Oh, I think you're fucking nuts. But then, I know I'm a few screws short of sane, and who's to say the universe isn't as fucked up as we are?" Her perplexing babble left me confused as she shook her head with a grin. "What I'm trying to say, is I believe you. Crazy as it sounds, Evie, I know you're not lying and I'm not gonna call to have you dragged to the nut house. You're my friend and you trusted me, so I'm gonna go ahead and trust you on this one."

Her oddly comforting words brought back the smile to my face, and I hugged her, grateful to have such a steadfast friend. "You seriously are insane, you know, but I'm glad you believe me."

"I have one question, though."

"Just one?" My eyebrows pulled together. How she could only have a single question after everything I had told her, was beyond me.

"Well yeah, what makes you so hesitant to embrace your Fae-ness?"

"My Fae-ness?"

"I mean, you said that when you go back you'll have a ceremony to unbind all your epic faerie powers, and you'll finally get the life you've dreamed of. Granted in a rather unorthodox sort of way. But you seem sad about it. Why?"

"I told you. I wouldn't be able to live here in this realm anymore."

"But why?"

Confused, because I had already told her, albeit not in detail, I struggled to understand why she asked. "When my powers are unbound, I won't be a mortal human. This realm doesn't exist with the same base of magick that Terradstrum does, and that lack of power here siphons our magick. If I tried living here, it would kill me."

"You met Zev here, and he's a faerie."

"But he's never here long, only short periods of time."

"Exactly." She patted my cheek in a way that would have been condescending had it not been accompanied by a cheerful wink. "Just because you can't live here, doesn't mean you can't visit. You're my best friend, Evie, so yeah, not being able to call you whenever, or get to see you every day, it'll suck, but this is your life. Your destiny and I'd be a pretty crappy friend if I didn't tell you to quit moping and live your life the way you deserve. Besides, I've got Connor to keep my head on straight, so you don't have to worry about me."

"Thanks, Chelse. You're the most amazing person I know, you know that, right?"

"Aw, hun." She grabbed me into a fierce hug that I returned with everything I had. Of all the people in the world, I was lucky to call Chelsea my friend. Her unflinching understanding and loyalty, and unwavering strength kept me strong no matter what. "You know that if you don't visit, I will hunt your ass down and beat you for your ingratitude."

Sniffling and wiping away my tears, I laughed. "I'd expect nothing less from you, my crazy, violent friend. Nothing less."

So Evelyn has made the right choice to trust Chelsea

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So Evelyn has made the right choice to trust Chelsea. Have you ever had that moment where you trusted someone with a secret you've never told anyone else? How did it turn out?

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