Chapter Nine: Acting Human 101

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Sorry guys, I've totally been obsessing over Lost Girl. I know, it's a bunch of fae stuff. I still think Drake is a bit more badass than Dyson, but that's just me... Or favoritism. Yeah, that's probably it. 


Chapter Nine: 

Acting Human 101  

"Matty, we saw De-oh," Daisy flew in and onto my shoulder as Unicorn boy put glamour over us. He helped me get Erasmus into the room. I placed him on the bed. 

"Crap, we have to get him warm. That'll help, right?" 

"I don't know," Daisy admitted. "Death must have taken a good punch at him to be this blue." 

"Unicorn boy, get the water running. I'm going to get him undressed and then you'll have to help me carry him in, alright?" He nodded and ran into the bathroom as I got Erasmus's jacket off. 

I ignored everything even my nervous feeling as I unbuttoned his shirt and got it off of him. Daisy helped to get him out of his shirt when I had to get it off his arms. The clothing stuck to him like slim does to an unfiltered pool. 

"Daisy, get some towels. Can you do that?" I asked. I didn't want to leave him. She nodded and flew to the bathroom. Ah hell, do I really have to do this? I shook my head and got rid of the heat creeping up to my face. I unbuttoned his pants. I tried pulling them off and pushing them off. "You're too damn heavy," I muttered. I crawled to his feet and got rid of his shoes and socks before pulling on his pant leg. I pulled and yanked as his pants slowly came off. 

"This isn't how I imagined you undressing me," Erasmus muttered. 

I considered homicide for a moment since he was so weak. "Erasmus, I swear to god that I will kill you  if you don't shut up! Can you help me with this?" I asked as I saw that his eyes weren't even open. 

"Here you go," Daisy stated as she dropped a tiny towel on his chest. I smiled a little; I should've known better. I shut my eyes and quickly got him out of his boxers and pants before putting the towel over him. "At least it isn't Drake." 

"Go to hell, Daisy," I muttered as I tried to ignore everything. "Hey, is the bath almost ready?" I called out to Unicorn boy as he popped his head out and nodded. I threw Erasmus's arm over my shoulder before helping him out and the towel sliding off. Oh lovely. Unicorn boy helped me get him in before I pressed myself against the wall and slid down. 

Daisy flew in and sat on Unicorn boy's shoulder before asking, "What did you do to anger Death?" 

"How should I know?" I asked as I grabbed a small towel and put it in the water before gently touching Erasmus's face to help warm him. I heard him breathing and sighed in relief. 

"Well, you must have done something," Daisy explained, "Death Seekers-" 

"It'd be really great if you could explain what a Death Seeker is," I told her as I held onto his hand. 

"Well, they usually are for Faeries and other immortals only. They don't usually go after humans except if they are over populations problems, or something is very, wrong, wrong, wrong." Daisy said in a harsh whisper as Erasmus squeezed my hand back. "They like to follow humans or faeries that are particularly blood thirsty because then they can scoop up the souls and eat them." 

"I'm not blood thirsty and I'm only human," I stated. 

Silence sat between us as I thought over what they might have wanted. Blood thirsty…

"I thought we couldn't see Death," I told them softly. 

"So you do remember John," Daisy whispered, "there must be some bad reason as to why Death is showing their true form." 

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