Q&A - The Rose Series and Where is it going

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You've been gone for ages, where the hell have you been? 

Hi, yes, good question. Honestly, I never stopped writing. I just stopped posting. I didn't think I was good enough to be honest and on top of that, photojournalism ended up taking over my life so I couldn't update frequently. 

 I always wrote, but never posted. I apologize for leaving everything as it was.  

What made you come back? 

Uhm, actually, my husband. He's been watching me write this series forever and working on it. He told me to start publishing it and I figured, what the hell? Also he wouldn't shut up about it. I also want to finish what I started.  

So what's going to happen now? What have you been writing? 

I've been rewriting the series actually. A lot of things are different, but the same. Matty is still Matty. She's still a photographer and can still see faeries. She still has sight. Still sarcastic as hell. She's just in her twenties now. I grew up so Matty grew up too. 

Also this series had a lot of issues. Like can we talk about the "nice girl" attitude this series had at the beginning? Yeesh. 

I'm also working on a "super hero" book, but that won't be coming out for awhile. 

There's a horror book I'm updating called "Something Eternal". That's up and running, but I just need to read it one more time. 

I'm Revamping White Roses now. The series is finished up until Purple Roses so far and I finally figured out the issue with that book. 

It should be noted that The Rose Series is about eight books. It depends on how the next few books go, but I'm 95% sure it's eight.  

What's changing? 

Well, not a lot? I'm Revamping White Roses now. You can check that out now on my profile. 

Matty is still Matty. Drake is still Drake. So our main two are the same. 

Erasmus's character is a bit different. Well, maybe a bit different is an understatement. If you were a fan of Erasmus, I'm sorry. 

Unicorn boy is now known as Guerrero (warrior in Spanish). Cooper is now known as Lowell. Daisy is now Aine. Ruth is still in there. 

John from Orange Roses has changed a lot. John will be Oracle. 

I think that is the gist of it if I remember correctly. 

Are you actually going to update? 

Unless there's an emergency, I should be updating the Rose series every Friday morning. After every book is finished, I might take a week off.  I'm having a few friends read this to help me out a little since I can't see my own mistakes to save my life. 

I don't work in news anymore so I have a lot more mental energy for my writing. 

Are you going to take down the old stuff? 

No. People seem to enjoy it and I wouldn't want to take that away. I do hope you support my new work though. 

Can I follow you on social media? 

Yes, I'm mostly on instagram @elizajmenendez or twitter @DavidsonLiza. Yes, it's my maiden name. Yes, I'm too lazy to change it on twitter. I'm on instagram more anyway. Twitter is mostly retweeting news organizations I've been with. 

If I have more questions? 

Messaged me on here. I'd love to answer them. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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