~Jealousy, Love, & Flashback ~

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Ruby's P.O.V

We all went back to Anthony's room. Melanie and I say next to Anthony, Zack and David sat across us.

"So how you found Ruby?" Zack said

"Well I saw her through the cameras all over the school, also I was going to bring all for of you here but I couldn't, every time I tried the killer got in the way."

"Oh, but why did you make Ruby scream?" David said I looked at Anthony and I noticed he was smirking,  I actually that too. Why did he make me scream?

"Well I knew Melanie will start worrying about Ruby being gone for so long, but thats boring so.. to speed things up I told her to scream and by how we saw the scene between you three it was impressive and by the way I know you may know this by now but I'll still say it , you should never shake or yell at Melanie, last time I did that she kicked me in the ribs."

Melanie sat their laughing thinking about it. I wanted to laugh too but I didn't it felt weird and apparently so did Zack and David.

"Also just to make things clear between us guys I don't like Ruby, we where best friend's since we where little so that ain't cool and for Melanie....NO WAY she to violent for me."Anthony said laughing after a second Zack and David joined in laughing and so did I. Melanie was angry but eventually she gave up and started laughing with us.

"We should get going" I said

"Ruby's right lets go" Anthony said. We all crawled into the vents until we saw the kitchen and we crawled out the vents.

"We should separate" Zack said

"Okay, Ruby goes with me and you three go together." Anthony said. "If you are wondering why Ruby is going with me is cause I don't trust you two yet and I sorta trust you Melanie" he said the last part with a smirk on his face.

"Lets just get going" I said slapping Anthony in the back. We all went our separate ways to look for an exit. Anthony led me back to the security room. We sat their in silence while looking at the tvs to find a way out, with the help of this cameras.

Anthony's P.O.V

The reason why I wanted Ruby to go with me is because of two reasons. First reason I don't trust Zack and David yet, second reason is I have to tell Ruby how I feel before it's to late.

We sat their in silence looking at the tvs when I noticed Ruby was scared so I hugged her. She seemed surprised by the hug but then she relaxed, smiling at me warmly and then she hugged me back.

Ruby really doesn't like showing her emotions especially when she's scared but ever since we became friends she always let those emotions take over and I would comfort her.

Umm... I should probably tell her how I feel about her, we are alone...... here it goes."Umm, Ruby...." I said nervously, she looked up "Whats wrong?"

I looked away and concentrated on the screen. "Ruby I li- like you..... a lot." Ruby blushed and looked at the floor.

"Ruby I like you" I said, annoyed with her silence. Ruby looked up and kissed me, her lips are so soft. I pulled away, I can't do this it's not fair for Zack and David.

"I can't do this Ruby."

"You can't do what?" she said

"I can't be with you, what about Zack and David they like you, I told them we where only friends." I looked at her in the eyes and she had so many emotions in them. But I mostly saw she was upset and sad of what I had just said to her. What am I doing?, I told her I was going to protect her from everything ever since that day in the park.

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