Chapter 2

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Johns eyes fluttered upon, his stomach turned and he scrunched up his face, recalling the night before as his head pounded. He felt himself holding someone, which was odd because he never brought anyone home, his eyes adjusted to a painting on the wall, and he looked down at the locks of hair less than a few mere inches from his face. That's when it hit him, it was Alex's bed, and Alex who he was holding. He felt as the heat rose in his cheeks, turning to a crimson rose color. His stomach turned once again and he felt the bile begin to rise, he pulled himself away from Alexander, throwing on a t-shirt, then rushing to the bathroom, lifting the lid quickly, he vomited, his eyes squeezing shut at the bitter taste.

Alexander stirred feelings as John raced out of bed, Alex heard a noise he usually doesn't waken to, vomiting. Alex's eyes went wide as he rushed up, "John? Are you okay?" He sat up, pulling on a sweater, he ran to the bathroom where john sat on the floor his head hovering over the toilet. His hands fidgeting as he tried to hold back his hair that held fallen out of his bow broken pony tail. John shook his head side to side, unable to say no, because he vomited once again. Alex rushed over, "Here John," he pulled back Johns hair holding it, "I have you, it's okay," Alex cooed, "you'll feel better after what I assume is a hangover goes away." Alex was not used to John vomiting, he usually didn't get to extremely drunk, but apparently last night was not one of those nights. Alex looked down as John, threw up more once again, he held his hair in place out of his face, making it easier on John, Alex felt a ping of sadness as he watched his closest friend pour out his insides.

Finally John leaned back claiming he was done and nothing was left in his stomach. Alex ran out of the room coming back with a hair tie, paper towels, pain killers and a bottle of water, "here."

"Thank you Alex," John spoke softly, still afraid he'd hurl once again, "You didn't have to hold my hair, or get me any of that," he ushered to the things Alex had given him.

"You're welcome John, but honestly it was no problem. I wanted to help you. Now here clean your hands and your face and I'll help you with your hair." Alex grabbed the hair tie putting John's hair up as John cleaned off his hands and sides of his lips with the paper towel. John's face was turning to a dark shade of red that was littered underneath his freckles, though Alex did not seem to notice. He just continued to help john clean up.

John groaned slightly drinking the last of the water.

"Feel any better, J?" Alex tilted his head, "Need anything?"

"Mhm," John nodded, "Can you get me a wash cloth?" Alex nodded walking off. John wobbled to the bathtub turning the water on and letting it warm up, he lifted the t-shirt over his head, throwing it in the laundry basket in the corner of the rather small bathroom.

Alex walked back in, a light red tinting his cheeks at the sight of John shirtless, "oh, um, I'm uh, sorry John," Alex stuttered handing him a wash cloth, "I'll shut t-the door," Alex walked out of the bathroom quickly shutting the door. He plopped back down onto his bed. His mind wandering, should he even talk to John about last night? Did John even remember? He sighed to himself pulling out his journal, and grabbing a pen from the stupid mug that laid on the dresser, he turned on the small lap and began to write, letting John have his peace, and letting his mind relax, and relive itself of ideas and thoughts.

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