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Attached to a place, a word, a song
Making you realize it's been so long

Since you opened the box, the crate
Releasing the feelings of love and hate

A pang of loss strikes you fast
All of the memories coming in a blast

Remember the first time you listened to this?
It was so long ago, hidden in the abyss

Remember the first time you saw this room?
You thought it was horrible, doom and gloom

Remember the first time you sang with him?
The overflowing feelings filled to the brim.

Remember how the first time we met?
I thought I'd never have friends, that was my bet

A single song started it all
A single tune had such the gall

To start the flood, to bring the tear
To make me remember all that I hold dear


Hey m'dudes, it's me,  Cassia.

I finally got to visit home for the first time in ages, and I put on an old playlist to help me sleep.

... I forgot all the memories attached to it.

So, I wrote.


Until next time,

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