Our Past Is Not Our Future

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What was I like in my past?
A brute, a bitch, a never ending task?

Was I helpful, or loyal, or kind in the least?
Or was I sharp and hot, like the summer beach?

Do I wish to be the girl I once was?
Or do I want to stay me, just because?

In my last I wasn't nice
And my present day self pays the price

No friends, no one to turn too.
That is, until I met you

You looked at me with that crooked smile you own
I though myself immune, I should have known

That nothing could stop you once you made up your mind
If you wished to be my friend, I'd have to pay it back in kind

So friends we became, as close as can be
Maybe even as close as leaves on a tree

I was a bitch, a brute
And had a nasty attitude to boot

All that was before I met you
But then I saw you when you saw me too

And something you did I still know naught
It showed me the way, a lesson well taught

And so I grew from brute to girl
Like pressured sand into a pearl

Sometimes I'd rage, yelling at you
Because I didn't want these feelings to be true

Alone I'd been for far to long
And in that time I learned to be strong

Then you came along and pulled at one string
And unbound my armor, no matter how hard I did cling

I yelled, I wept, I shouted to the sky
"Why oh why can he do this, he's just one guy!"

My internal battles did rage
The fast paced conversations like words on a page

I finally let go, let my hate free
Even though I knew it'd come back to kick me in the knee

And so it comes, full circle at last
It all came back, present to past

Alone again, rebuilding my shell
Then I stopped, as I heard a yell

Even though you're gone, you left your imprint on me
You took my hate and set it all free

So you see the your past isn't now
You must take action now, make yourself a vow

Don't be a hateful person, you see
As it gets you nowhere, nor any glee

But your past is what shapes you, so keep it near
For it made you grow, to the person we all hold dear

Love, live, laugh
But never remember things just by half

Remember who you are today
The past of yours is what caused it, if you may


Hey guys.
Here's a little poem inspired by the life of yours truly.

Why do I do theses outros when noone really reads these books? I guess it just makes me feel like they matter, which helps me grow.

Anyway, if your are out there, thanks. I'm glad you've stuck it out with me.

Until next time,

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