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"So you mean the dude was married" she said looking at me with curiosity.

"Hell yeah. He even had to guts to write me a note, that guy has no shame. " I had told her everything that had happened.

"I'm so sorry dear. That guy is a jerk. Can you recognize him if you see him again?" She asked.

"I don’t think so, I only know his name. If that is even his real name" I said tiredly. “I’m never taking alcohol again.”

"I'm really sorry, I shouldn’t have left you on your own. We need to see a doctor as soon as possible, just to be sure you’re fine." She suggested.

“Yes, that’s true” I agreed.

“Let me freshen up.” She said and started to walk upstairs.


"frank called me earlier” I said as we entered the house from the clinic. “he said he had spoken to the agent and we need a lawyer to stand for us."

Annie and I were planning to rent a shop, we want to open a small restaurant that we would call “BREAKFAST & DINNER” because it would function only mornings and evenings then we can use our afternoons for other important things we want to do with our lives.

"Okay, I will call my dad's lawyer then"
I was about replying her when the door bell rang.

"Are you expecting anyone??" I asked Annie giving her a questioning look.

"Nope! You??" she asked

"If I did, I would not have asked you" I replied her as I walk to open the door.

"I was asked to deliver this package to Miss Madison London" the delivery guy said the moment I opened the door.

"I am the one" I answered him.

"Oh good morning, please sign here" he handed me a book to sign.

I took it from him and asked who the package was from.

"Eddy" he said smiling.

"Okay thanks" I returned the smile.
He left and I went back into the house.

"Someone has a secret admirer" Annie said smiling at me.

"Just stop it, who else will send me flowers and chocolate if not Eddy" I said smiling back at her.

Eddy was our former boss, we worked with him after we graduated from culinary school until two weeks before Freddie broke up with me. We stopped working for him because we had saved enough to start up our own business and Eddy had always been supportive.

About the flowers and chocolate, Eddy has always had a crush on me, he would always surprise me with flowers and gifts and pleading with me to give him a chance but I never agreed. I told him that I was dating Freddie and I couldn't do so with him. Aside that, I liked him as a friend and I thought that developing that friendship into a relationship would spoil our friendship.

"When are you going to give that poor boy a chance" Annie asked.

"You have asked me that question a thousand times now, don't get why you are still asking" I answered her while opening the pack of chocolate.

"The reason you always gave me as to why you have always refused his offer is the fact that you were in love with Freddie but now, Freddie is no longer in the picture. Am guessing you should give it a try" she paused to read my expression then continued; "you never know where you can find love, just like me and josh" she added smiling.

"Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! My friend is in love. All these while I was thinking it was just a fling" I said smiling at her.

"Well talking about Josh, his best friend is coming back to town and he wants to organize a little party to welcome him back. He asked for my help and I was wondering if you could assist me" she said twitching her lips.

"I don't do work for free, I’m a busy woman" I said sharply with a smile on my face.

"Just name your price and I will write you a pay check" she replied teasingly.

"You better go contact that lawyer or else you will be grounded."

"Yes mommy" she replied as we continued laughing.


It was the night of the get together; Annie and I had gone shopping the previous day and had decided that since it's just a get together, no main course will be prepared, just appetizers, small chops and chicken sauce. Josh took care of the drinks and we arranged the house.

The event has started and Josh’s friend had arrived, Josh had just introduced him to Annie and I when we were sitting together on Josh’s kitchen stool and told us that his name was James.

"Oh Charles is here, Excuse me ladies" Josh said as he took his friend to other guests who were around. There was something about this James guy, he kept looking at me from time to time, of course I was looking at him too, he was so damn attractive; light skinned with short black hair, sexy curved lips, light hazel colored eyes.

The way we looked at each other from time to time became uncomfortable to me and I tend to look away any time our eyes met. I don't know, but this feeling kept reminding me of Freddie.

I wanted to drink the night away then I remembered what happened to me last week at the club so I restrained myself.
Looking around, everyone seemed happy, talking and cheering but I felt so lost like I did not belong here. I never knew that heart break could make one feel inferior.

I hadn’t completely gotten over the dysphoria I was feeling, added to what happened to me last week. I tried my best to be happy and smile around people because I didn’t want to bother them about my problems.

I was sitting alone talking to no one while every other person in Josh’s flat engaged in a conversation. I decided to go outside to the balcony.

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