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“That wasn’t Eddy’s car that dropped you off” Annie said startling me. I had no idea she was there, the lights were off.

“No it wasn’t, that was….”

“Eddy called! He wanted to know if you were home, he said that he tried to call you but you didn’t pick.” She said cutting me off.

“Yea that was because……”

“He also said that things did not end pretty well with your date.” She cut me off again.

“No it didn’t, he tried….”

“You hadn’t even gotten home before you jumped into another man’s car”

“Excuse me! That was James, josh’s friend. He gave me a ride home when….”

“Because there was…..” she cut me off again.

“Let me finish” this time I interrupted her determined to finish my statement. “James saw me outside Eddy’s apartment when I was trying to get a taxi that will bring me home after your so called Eddy handcuffed me to his bed. That guy is a psycho, only God knows what would have happened I didn’t run away.”

“Gee! I didn’t know that was what had happened.” She said trying to defend her actions.

“How would you have known when you didn’t let me complete any of my sentences and this is your entire fault.”

“How??” she asked with a confused expression.

“Because you refused to stay away from my relationship life. All the advice you gave me since Freddie and I broke up,…”

“He dumped you” she cuts in shortly.

“Whatever. All your advices put me in deep shit. First, I was taken advantage of by a stranger I met in a club. Secondly, I was handcuffed by a weirdo on his bed. If you hadn’t advised me to give Eddy a chance, this wouldn’t have happened” My voice rose, I was angered because of her comment.

“I was just trying to help” she said as her face softens.

“Well I don’t need your help anymore! Can’t believe that you hadn’t even heard my own part of the story, you just jumped into conclusions with whatever lie Eddy had told you.”

Immediately, I walked away headed to my room and I slammed the door the moment I got in. I felt bad for saying those mean words to her, but it was her fault. If she had listened to me when I got in, things wouldn’t be so intense.

The moment I laid down on my bed, guilt started engulfing me; I shouldn’t have said those words to her. I felt like talking to someone to lighten this burden I was feeling, just then I remembered James had given me his card earlier on.

I picked up the card, dialed his number to call but then I thought that my voice must be in a terrible state. I decided to text.

Me: hi. It’s me Maddie, hope it’s not too late to contact the help line.

He did not reply immediately. Maybe he was already asleep or maybe he wasn’t with his phone at the moment or he probably doesn’t want to listen to my problems anymore. After about seven minutes of sending the text, he replied;

James: heyyy.
James: No it’s never too late.
James: the help line is opened 24 hrs in 7 days.
James: should I call?

Me: No, no need. My voice is probably terrible right now.

James: Okay, so what’s the issue dearie?

Me: well I had a heated argument with Annie this evening, and it did not end well.

James: well what are you feeling right now?

Me: I’m feeling like a really bad person.
Me: right now, I’m enveloped with guilt.
Me: we said some mean things to each other.

James: Annie is a good person, and I know you know that. She probably had a tough day.
James: I bet she is feeling as guilty as you right now.

Me: how can you tell?

James: I don’t know, I just feel it. Am sure she didn’t mean most of the words she said to you, just like you don’t mean most of the words you said to her.

Me: just that this is our first fight in a very long time.

James: Wait; was it about your date today?

Me: yeah, just don’t want to go into the details.

James: okay. Just sleep peacefully tonight. When you see her tomorrow, talk to her then apologize.
James: It is going to work I swear.

Me: okay thanks. I feel better now.
Me: I think I should go to sleep.
Me: good night.

James: goodnight dearie, sleep tight.

I held my phone tightly to my chest, thinking of possible ways I was going to apologize to Annie the following day. I was totally unaware of the time I fell asleep.

It’s morning! My night was cold and short, I was just thinking of possible ways to apologize to Annie about the way I spoke to her last night. I decided to make myself a cup of coffee. Getting to the kitchen; I saw Annie, she already made herself coffee. I just greeted and she replied;

“There is still some left. I made coffee for two”

“Thanks” I said walking past her towards the kettle. “Look, am sorry about the way I talked to you last night you know….”

“It’s okay Maddie” she cuts in. “I said some mean things too and I did not mean them, just that Josh and I had this stupid quarrel yesterday” she spoke more softly this time around.

“Oh, I'm sorry. Do you want to talk about it?” I asked.

“No. no need, I wouldn’t want to bother you with lame issues.”

Annie would always tell me anything no matter how lame it was. I think the reason why she doesn’t want to tell me is because she still hasn’t gotten over our argument last night. So I took the cup of coffee and started walking to my room.

“Maddie!” she called and I turned to listen to what she has to say.

“Don’t think that am not telling you what happened between Josh and I because we had a little issue yesterday, it’s just that we already talked about it.” She said giving me an assuring look. I nodded in response and continued walking to my room.


We finally paid for our shop. We invited an interior decorator to come view the place and think of possible ideas to make the place look like a restaurant worth patronizing.

“Thanks Margret for making out time to come see us and sharing your amazing ideas with us” Annie told her.

“Don’t mention my dear, this place is beautiful and big. We just need to make it attractive then you’ll provide good food to make this place stuffed with people.” She replied.

“For this place to be stuffed with people who wants to buy good food, we first need to make it beautiful Margret. When will that be done?” I asked her.

“Oh! My crew and I are ready to start work anytime, once the money is ready, we will draft the plan and start work immediately.” She said smiling cheekily.

“Margret, the pay check is ready. We want you to start work immediately.” Annie told her.

“Well then, I will send the blueprint of the design we have in mind to your mail tomorrow then you can view it and decide if you like it or not. Then make corrections.”

“Okay good” Annie and I replied together. When we noticed we said the exact same words, we just smiled.

*thanks a lot guys for sharing this book.*
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