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Have you ever been heart broken? How does it feel? Like a void was created? Empty? Or just saddened?

It had been two months Freddie broke up me and I had been feeling nothing less than dysphoria, I would cry myself to sleep every night and refuse to go out during the day. It was difficult to moved on. My best friend and housemate Annie tried to console me for two weeks and when she saw that I wasn’t improving, she said I needed to start seeing someone else. It would help me forget the pain and heal.

The best way to get over a man Is to hook up with another man. She continued to recite it in my ears until I decided to give in to see if it would actually work. Frankly, I was tired of feeling like a mess.

I knew I wasn’t a weak person that couldn’t get over a man, it’s just that the man is someone I had sacrificed so much for. In the five years of our relationship, I had loved him with everything, everything!
When I was with Freddie, I thought that I had found something special, something that my parents never had before my mom died.

Before she died, anytime I cried or felt bad for the fights that she and my dad had, she would always tell me of how deep their love was during their early times. When I asked her what changed, she wouldn’t be able to pick a thing, she would only say she noticed that after she gave birth to me, my dad started to cheat on her and she couldn't tolerate it until one day, it resulted into a big fight. They couldn’t resolve it like adults so, they were so young when they got married and didn’t understand the effect of good communication and from then onwards, they became distant from each other.

After my mom died, I thought dad would be remorseful and feel bad for neglecting his family but it didn’t take him up to a year before he got married again and the rest of the story is for later.

I decided to give into Annie's persuasion to look for someone else to feel up the void that has been created. It has worked for her several times and it even landed her into her present relationship.

This void I’m feeling, can it be filled by another? Or only by the man who caused it.

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