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James and I have been seeing each other for the past three weeks. I really do enjoy his company. In one of the days we went out together, we decided to put everything that had happened between us behind us. There was no need to keep brooding about the past when we have a whole lot in front of us.

That same day after he dropped me, he walked me down to my doorstep. I was surprised, I didn't expect it. Because all the times we went out together he would drop me in my drive way. When we got to the front of my house, he popped a question. He asked me to be his girlfriend and I accepted without delay. What was the use of telling him I'll think about it when I know fully well that it's what my heart wants.

After then, we went on a double date with Josh and Annie, he introduced me to Andy and Sandra.

At first, I couldn't flow well with Sandra. There was this unspoken tension between us whenever we where together, I was jealous of her for no reason, probably because my boyfriend talks about her alot, but I'm glad for the kind of person that James is. He noticed this and talked to me. He made me understand that Sandra is his close friend and relation and that I'm the one who owns his heart. I believed him and since then, i started flowing with her very well. I got to understand the kind of person she is and we are kinda close now.

In fact, this past three weeks have been the best I've ever had.



The heart will always want what it wants. Even if you try to use your mind, most times the heart wins.

Maddie is the one who my heart wants and as much as I tried to avoid the issue, I had already fallen for her plus It was hard for me to control my emotions when it comes to her.

First, we decided to take things slow and allow the future to unveil it self, then we decided to put the past behind us. But whenever I think of the fact that my parents got married two months just after they knew each other and are still together despite the troubles they've faced, I realized that sometimes it's better to take a bold step and create the future for yourself. I love Maddie no doubt so I asked her to be my girlfriend.

Maddie wasn't comfortable with Sandra and Sandra wasn't comfortable with the fact that Maddie wasn't comfortable with her. I had to try my best to explain to the both of them differently about their place in my life.

Sandra understood that she is important to me, she is one of my best friends and she's family too but there's someone else who needs me more than her, someone who I'll get to spend more time with than her. She even said she won't be comfortable if a girl starts acting all motherly to her boyfriend.

Maddie on the other hand is a really jealous bae, she sucks at controlling her feelings when she is feeling insecure about someone or something but I let her know that apart from my parents, she comes first.


I started seeing a therapist again. But this time I'm determined to help my self. At a time, the nightmares reduced and after a while, they stopped coming.

Then I realized that no matter how long or how deep I talked about those issues, they no longer have an after effect on me.

Sandra, Andy and Josh was right all along. It's better to face the pains and get healed than to feel numb.

It's not the end yet!

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