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James rubbed his palms on my arms to comfort me.

“Well! If this may help, my parents are not my biological parents” he spilled. I know he is telling me this to make me feel better, so I wouldn’t feel like I’m the only one talking about personal issues. “I was adopted when I was four, the only friend who knows now apart from you is josh.”

“Who are your real parents?”

“I don’t know them, and I don’t think that I want to know them.”


“They gave up on me before knowing what I will even become. I guess I was even a burden in her womb.”

“Don’t say such James.” I looked at him and saw sadness in his eyes. I’m not the only one having problems after all. “So tell me about your parents, I mean the ones who adopted you.”

“Well, they were childless for sixteen years until they adopted me, after my adoption, my mom took in and she gave birth almost two years after. It was like I was their goodluck charm." he let out a sigh "Sometimes I can't help but wonder if my real parents would have treated me differently.”

“They probably knew that they could not care as much for you that’s why they gave you to your parents.”

“They did not give me to my parents, they abandoned me on the street when I was still a baby. A woman found me and took me to the orphanage I stayed there for four years before my parents adopted me.”

“Wow!” I exclaimed. Despite the fact that I don’t want to get pregnant before I get married, if it happens there is no way I’m giving up my child.

We continued to talk for a while and he took me home after words. When we got to my house, I wanted to come down from the car, but he argued. He said that He wanted to act like a gentle man that he his so I allowed him. He came down from the car, turned around and opened the door and walked me to my door.

“So this is it, goodnight” I said as we were looking straight into each other’s eyes, that same hazel eyes that got me drooling.

“Good night” he replied calmly. He was about turning to leave but he stopped.

Before I knew it, he leaned on and his lips met mine. I have always wanted this moment since we started spending evenings together.

what are you waiting for to kiss him?

My inner me asked me.

Before I knew it, I started reciprocating the kiss. Our lips began to move in sync with each other. His tongue invade my mouth and his breath warmth my skin. He placed both his hands on my waist. As things were beginning to get more intense, my phone rang.

We broke the kiss and I opened my purse to bring out my phone only to find out that the caller was annie.

What has she done!?

“It’s annie I told him” I couldn't look into his eyes because I was flushed and my cheeks would probably be red. I didn’t want him to know the impact of that kiss we just shared on me.

“Oh! I guess she wants to talk to you, it might be important.” he looked at every other place but my eyes. I guess I had affected him as much as he had affected me.

“I need to go now, work tomorrow” he said  gesturing his hand.

“Good night” I said for the second time, he turned and left.

Annie better have something good to tell me. When I got inside the house, the phone started to ring again. I sat down on the couch, spread my legs and answered the call.

“Baby girl, did i wake you up from sleep?”

“No, just got home from dinner.”

“Hmm, someone is having fun without me.”

“Come on, it’s not what you think. So how was the wedding?”

“My very own Catherine is now a mrs. I’m so happy for her.”

“I’m happy too. So you are next in line baby.”

“What no, I don’t think so. What are you waiting for?”

“I’m a single lady, but you have Josh and that guy adores you and you both look so adorable together.”

“Josh and I are just enjoying the moment you know. Nothing serious is happening. I really miss him since this two weeks.”

“Aww, I’m sure he misses you too. Well babe I’m tired and I need to get to bed now.”

“Okay, I’m coming home tomorrow. Sleep tight.”

“I will be expecting you too. Sweet dreams.”

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