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This chapter is a P.O.V on James (Josh's friend. I know he is a new character but I really have to give him a P.O.V because he's going to play a very important role in this book.


Being back in the city felt so nice, I never knew I would miss it as much as I did. I missed my apartment, my office and most of all, my friends who had turned family. My best friend Josh had organized a small party in my honor.

While I was away, he kept telling me about his new girlfriend, the same girl he had been crushing on before I left town, they are now officially together and that he was going to introduce me when I get to the party.

Reaching Josh’s house, it was more than what I expected. Josh had invited all our friends even from work. It was a house full and they were all happy to see me.

"Come I need to introduce you to my girlfriend now" Josh said pulling me towards two beautiful girls who were sitting together on the kitchen stool.

"You now have two girlfriends??" I asked sarcastically.

"You jerk, the one on black dress is her friend and the other is my girlfriend." He replied.

When we got to where they were, Josh said; "meet the girl I have been telling you about, the one who has stolen the key to my heart. I present to you; Annie."

"Hi. I am James you must have probably heard a lot about me." I said smiling. If I’ve heard so much about her already, then there’s no doubt Josh must have told her lots of things about me.

"Oh sure I have" Annie responded with a bright smile.

"And here is Maddie, Annie's best friend and housemate" Josh said.

"Hi Maddie, I'm James."

"Nice to meet you James" she said smiling but the smile did not reach her eyes. She looked bothered, beautiful but bothered. What could worry a beautiful young girl like her.

"Oh Charles is here. Excuse me ladies" Josh said taking me along with him to welcome Charles who just entered the house.

Josh and I walked around the house welcoming guests and engaging ourselves in conversations. But I couldn't keep my mind of Maddie. I didn’t want to intrude into her personal life, but I kept in thinking of what could bother her. I felt the need to help her, to talk to her and I don’t usually feel so for people.

From time to time, I glanced at her and our eyes would always meet. Those sad beautiful eyes. The more I glance at her, the more I want to talk to her, to get to know her, to know what was bothering her. I was about walking straight to her to start a conversation when Josh arrived and handed me a glass of wine.
"How was your trip??"

"It was fine, long but fine" I answered him taking a sip from the glass of wine Josh had handed to me.

"Hope it wasn't a waste??" he said , trying to engage in a serious conversation. I knew where exactly he was driving to; I am going to answer his question but certainly not now, not in a party.

"We will talk about it later for now let's enjoy this party" I said to him.

"Okay if you say so" he replied as he walked away.

As I turned to the kitchen, she was no longer there, sitting in the kitchen stool with her sad eyes. “Where could she have gone?” I asked myself.

I walked round the house, stopping at some points to make small talks with people who wanted to strike a conversation with me.
Where could she be? If I was sad and in the midst of people and I needed time to myself in a house like this, where would I go? I decided to go check the balcony. Not everyone knew the flat had a balcony and the door to the balcony was covered with curtains. I’m sure no one is there, she could be there alone with her thoughts. When I opened the door to the balcony, I saw her standing at a corner, staring at the glass she was holding. I wanted to walk away and let her continue with her thoughts but something stopped me and I decided to walk up to her.

She did not even notice when I got to where she was standing.

"You know you could talk to someone" I said snapping her out of her thoughts.

"About what??" she asked, surprised by my statement.

"About your problems you know. It is written all over you. You have a best friend and you probably have other friends and family." I said looking straight into her eyes not breaking the contact. "or if you are not comfortable talking to them, I’m here. I’m a new person in your life so I won’t judge you and you might never see me again so…"

"Well am okay, you don't have bother about saving a damsel in distress cause I’m just fine." She cuts in and broke the eye contact as she looked away.

I grabbed her arms almost forcefully but careful not to hurt her, I turned her face and ask her to look me back into my eyes and tell me that she is just fine.

“I’m fine.” She said, her voice breaking and her eyes already wet from tears.

“Spill the beans” I told her. “I’m here to listen.”

"If u really wants to listen, it's about my broken heart, like how could he leave me like that?" The tears threatening to fall came out speedily.


"A problem shared is half solved. I will listen even if it's about the devil himself." I replied her with those to make her feel comfortable with me.

"well it's not like I can't talk to Annie about what am feeling, but she looks so happy and I don't want to ruin her mood with my problems" she paused then continued;

"His name is Freddie, he is an artiste, he is in a band and he has been on tour for almost seven months now, I love him, I really, really love him. Even after he left for tour, I never stopped loving him" then she drank all the wine in her glass dropped the glass and continued;

"He went on tour and he started cheating on me, he literally forgot about me and I became the one holding the thread to the relationship. I would always call to check on him, I was never tired of doing that until a day I called him and he told me that he knows that everything that he has been doing since he went on tour had been unfair and that is why he wants me to stop calling him, that me continually calling him even when I know that he is not treating me well is weighing down on him heavily and he wants to end the relationship. I even told him that what we needed was a break not ending something that had lasted for five years with no absolute reason but he refused saying ending it was for the better."

I felt like I could relate to her pain. I didn't know how to comfort her because I knew exactly how she felt. I removed a handkerchief from my pocket and handed it to her. She used it to clean her tears then blew her nose then handed it back to me "don't worry you can keep it" I smiled at her.

"Everything is going to be fine" I said after pulling her in for a tight hug. If I could get better, then she would too.

We were still hugging each other and she was still sobbing when Josh walked into the balcony probably looking for me. I signaled him with my eyes not to say a word and go back inside the house, he did just that.
Maddie would feel bad if she had found out that someone had seen her crying.

"Clean those eyes and smile so we can go inside, they probably will soon notice that we are not at the party" she did as I had said and told me thanks before we walked inside together.

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