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"what do you want here??"

I looked at her from her head to her toes, searching my head for the perfect answer to reply Victoria for that stupid question.

"Do I need permission to come to my father's house? That's a very stupid question Victoria. It's more like someone asking you what you are doing in your husband's house." I asked her hoping twill sink.

She scoffs and before she could say anything i continued;

"By the way he had always been my father before you came along. He had always been mine before you came to steal his attention."

"Yes, but you gave him up. You told him you didn't want him in your life anymore, you cut ropes with him. So you are not expected to be here. I won't have you come out from no where and destroy everything I've tried to build over these three years."

"Wow wow wow. Nice speech." I told her clapping my hands in a mocking manner.
"at least now you know how my mom felt when you came into my dad's life to destroy everything my mom worked so hard for."

"I had nothing to do with the issues your parents had. But trust me, I've had my own share." she spoke with so much sincerity. What did she mean by she's had her own share? Well whatever it is, I'm not backing down.

"it doesn't change the fact that you had an affair with him while he was still married to my mother, you should have just stayed away." Thinking of all those times my dad ignored us to be with his mistress, my heart started beating so fast.

"By the way,  I'm not in the mood to bicker with you. I have a lot of more important things to do with my time. Go keep your rapist son company." I waved my hand at her dismissing her.

"That will be the last time you'll refer to my son in that manner, he never did rape you."

"So what will you do? Report me to my father? Or cook up some stupid lie before he comes back? I'm not a child anymore and I ain't scared of no one."

"That's the thank you I get for saving you that day."

"save me? Save me??  You saved your self and your son. Okay wait. You saved me by destroying the little love that existed between my father and I? By lying to him that I made passes at your son, that pig. And... "

"That'll be the last time I'll take any insult on behalf of my son." she cuts in. With her tone higher than normal. "We had already settled the issue. I stopped him from sleeping with you. You... "

"raping me you mean." I corrected her.

"whatever" she rolled her eyes. "you shouldn't have said anything to your father. You wanted to destroy my marriage. You wanted to destroy what I've built."

"This is coming from someone who's had a failed marriage and destroyed someone else's family, you only see your self as the victim. Now if you'll excuse me." I said calmly. I walked to the door and ushered her out.

The last words I said really touched her, She left quietly.

I've been here for almost an hour now and Josiah had not come back with my phone. It means he had not seen it. If he sees it now, twill be too late to return it.

How I will be able to contact James and Annie was the question I kept asking my self. I had carried my laptop but in the hope that I'll connect hot-spot  from my phone. I realized I was only stressing my self from thinking so much, I decided to take a nap.


I heard some noise outside like it was some sort of commotion, I stood up quickly and opened the door to go outside.

Getting to the passage that leads to the sitting room, I heard my dad's voice. I felt like a knot twisted in my tummy.

What is going to be his reaction when he sees me?

I made up my mind to go make an appearance then I heard. Something that stroke me;

"Bella baby, go hug papa" said Victoria.

I peeped to see that it was the baby that Damian had earlier carried in his legs.

She baby walked carefully to my dad and hugged him, I guess she's still learning to choose her steps carefully.

I don't understand, I thought that was Damien's baby.

"Bella honey, daddy missed you so much and guess what? I got you your favorite chocolate" he said smiling as he waved it in her face and she tried to grab it smiling. "not so fast honey, give papa a kiss first." she leaned and pecked him.

I can't believe I have a younger one, a sister for that matter. I've missed a lot in my family's life, but I'm not to be blamed here. They never wanted me around and I gave them all the space they needed. I don't even know why I let James and Annie talk me into doing this. If my dad asks me what I'm doing here now, I swear I won't even know what to say.

"humm, honey" Victoria called my dad.

"yes love." my dad replied.

I felt bad, this is one moment I never experienced when my mom was alive. My dad just called Victoria "love." He never called my mom love in my presence, all they did was quarrel till my mom couldn't bear it anymore and started ignoring him. Uncontrollable tears began to pour from my eyes.

Before I knew it, I was faced eye to eye with the man I call my father.

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