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Guys, it's been long since I wrote. So I actually struggled to write this chapter. It might not be as good as you have anticipated but I promise I'm back! Time to speed up the book!


Since the day Sandra and I saw Maddie at the supermarket, Sandra had refused to let my ears have peace. She's beautiful, she looks nice, she smells nice, from the look in her eyes, she was really hurt, James she still love you is all I hear and I'm tired of everything.

I had to ask her what i would do to keep her mouth shut and she asked me to take her to her favorite sharwama spot.


We haven't really said anything since we placed our orders. As usual, I was busy with my phone while she was reading a magazine that was placed on the table. To entertain customers I guess...

"Soo....... " she broke the silence.

"Sandra, just say what ever is in your mind.  So what?" I know she wants to talk about Maddie again. I should have known. Sharwama wasn't going to keep her mouth shut. Maybe I should gag her. I rolled my eyes waiting for what was going to come out of her mouth next.

"I've been talking to Andy." she gave me this warning look of I cannot change the topic.

"wow.. What did he say? Is he getting married?" I chuckled. I knew it was a stupid joke at the moment because I obviously knew what she wanted to talk about.

"Don't play dumb with me cousin.. The nightmares are back and you are refusing to seek help. They'll only get worse." she spoke angrily this time around.

"look, I'm a man okay. I can handle my self. By the way, those therapists didn't help me in anyway. They only worsened my problems." and this was true. The more I talked about the issue, the more the nightmares became stronger.

"Andy was right. You don't want to make peace with your self. You believe you ain't good, you ain't worth it. You feel mediocre. But guess what!" before I could stop her, she answered the question her self. "it only gets worse. It's never going to become easier than it is right now. You don't even want to fight for what you feel. This ain't right dude."

"Sandra listen." I stopped her before she could continue. "it's better this way if I don't talk about it. I'll just lock up this issue in a box somewhere in my mind and forget about it."

"Then the next time you visit the issue, everything will come rushing back. Even worse.. I've told you several times dear it's better to face your fears, feel the pain then heal from it than to feel numb."

"Feeling nothing works fine for me though. Is the sharwama not ready yet? I'm starving." I had to change the topic right away. Sandra won't let go of it easily.

"I don't know why it's taking so long." she replied.

My phone started to ring. It was Maddie. Why was she calling me?

I quickly answered the call.

"Hey! Good afternoon." she greeted.

"Afternoon." I answered shortly.

"humm.. How is your day going?"

"good. What do you want?" I just wanted to know why she called. I didn't mean for it to sound rude. But I was eager to know.

"I was thinking, maybe you could stop by the house later. I'll prepare dinner like old times you know."

I chuckled. She wants a friend. Boyfriend broke her heart, now she wants a toy friend.
"Sorry I'll be busy."

"Then maybe tomorrow, you know you can always..."

"I won't have time for that Maddie."

"Oh.. "

The waiter walked in and placed our orders on our table then walked away.

"Yea.. Sorry. Take care."

She ended the call without even replying.

"I don't know exactly what she told you James. But you were rude."

"Yea, take her side. She's your best friend right? Or maybe she is your cousin."

"you are taking this thing too personal."

"when she was rude to me for nothing I did wrong, you didn't see it."

"I wasn't around then but even... Wait! Do you still love her?"

"The sharwama would get cold and your ice-cream would melt."

"Answer my question big head!" she always called me that whenever is is angry.

"Sandra, growing up, I taught you to learn how not to infringe on people's privacy right? So stop bugging me with questions that you won't get answers to."

"Your silence means yes. Allow pride rule you and loose something you'll regret later."

"Yea Yea.. Preach on!"

She continued not minding my sarcastic remark.

"You've tasted life and death, you know how it feels. No one knows their end. Better make the most of it all right now. The only thing that will make you a conqueror is when you accept all the shit that life has thrown at you and will continue to throw at you and make the best of it all."

She just silenced me. I tried saying something twice but nothing came out.

"I just lost my appetite. Waiter!" she called. When the waiter arrived; "please wrap these, I'm taking them away."

"same with mine I chipped in."

Sandra was right in a way. I just needed to make peace with my whole situation.

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