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I woke up at my usual time 3:33am, I was weak and tired, tired of the turns in my life this past few days.

I wanted to know how Maddie was feeling right now, I knew she would be hurt, she would think that I was only using her but that's a lie, I cared for her but she wouldn't know that if I don't explain things.

She directed all my calls to voicemail and refused to reply my text, I've been to her house twice already but didn't meet her there. If Stacey hadn't walked in that faithful morning, things would have been different right now.

Thinking about Stacey, I wanted to find answers, I wanted to know. I hadn't seen her for the past Six months. She left me the time I needed her most, she disappeared into thin air, she asked her parents not to disclose her whereabouts and they obeyed even when they knew that our wedding was not up to a month away. Maybe she thought that I wasn't going to survive the troubles she made me pass through. I needed answers.

My head was aching seriously, I needed to stop thinking, sitting idle won't help. So I decided to continue what I was doing the night Maddie was here with me, I picked up my system from where I had kept it, turned it on and waited for it to boot, I opened my text editor. I stared at the system for a while and I couldn't do anything. All my efforts proved futile, it was unproductive, just like yesterday and the day before. I tried sleeping again but to no avail. So I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower and let the cold water run through my skin.


it's our first day at the shop and the turn up was great. Annie and I decided that the shop would be opened from 7am to 4pm. I was happy with the way people complimented the food, at least I found something doing, something that kept my thoughts away from those two men.

I haven't seen Freddie since the day he showed up on my door step but James kept bugging my phone with messages and calls. Whenever he called, I let it ring till it went to voicemail and I deleted all his messages without reading them.

Annie told me that she had talked to Josh about the situation and that Josh had assured her that James is a nice guy and he hadn't even seen his so called fiancee for almost six months and that I should just listen to what he had to say before jumping to conclusions but I don't care, he lied to me or should I say that he omitted the fact that he was about to be married. Even if things was not going well with him and his fiancee, he should have at least told me before time I would have understood, not letting me feel like a fool when Stacey showed up on his doorstep. Not to think of the fact that I told him everything that happened between me and Freddie and even with my father.

"Hi" a customer said smiling at me, he was with a little girl of about 6 or 7 years old, his daughter I guess.

"Good day sir, how may I help you??" I replied smiling at him.

"My daughter's birthday is coming up two weeks from now, we came to this plaza to get supplies for the party, she got exhausted and we decided to come eat here."

Really? I don't know why he was telling me all these but I had to act cool. "So what may I serve you?"

"No no, your colleague already attended to us, we are even done eating."

Wow, the customers are much today I don't even recognize all of them.

"Ok?" I replied still smiling at him, curious to know What he was getting at.

"My daughter likes your food so I wanted to know if you do outdoor catering so that you can take care of the meals at the party."

"Yes sir we do" Annie cuts in smiling. I was smiling too. It was our first day and things are turning out great.

"This is my card, call me tomorrow." he dropped the card on the counter.

"Yes sir, we definitely will." Annie and I replied the same time.

"Common baby let's go" he said to his little daughter.  He smiled at us once more and left.

"OMG! Annie!" I jumped as I hugged her.

We hugged each other so tight.

"Good afternoon." a familiar voice greeted.

Annie and I turned to look, it was Freddie.

"What do you want?" Annie asked sternly.

"I just want to talk to Annie please." he replied with sincerity in his eyes.

"Leave now, she doesn't want to talk to you" I held Annie's had to stop her from talking.

"It's okay baby. I want to hear what he has to say."

"Are you sure that you will be okay with this jerk?"

"I'll be fine" I told her calmly. She eyed Freddie and left.

"Let's sit." I told him pointing to a table.

"Thanks" he replied. We both walked over to the seat.

*wow! I'm so happy for the girls, business is just starting and things are turning out well.*

*What do you think Freddie wants to tell her?*

*I don't know if I'm the only one who feels sorry for James.*

*who else is eager to know what Stacey did to James?*

remember to:
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