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Talking to James had made me feel better; he sure is a good listener. He didn’t say anything while I talked, he just listened and allow me to unburden my heart load.

I wonder how I was able to concentrate with what I was telling him, him standing so close to me was electrifying his cologne smelled so nice. Even when he pulled me to himself for a hug, I could feel his abs, he had a strong rigid body, he probably did a lot of working out and he is a fine man.

***Two Days Later***

I had agreed to go on a date with my former boss Eddy, Annie told me to give him a chance and that is what am doing.

“Eddy is going to be here in an hour time better go take your bath while I figure out what you will wear.” Annie said.

“Yes mommy” I replied her.

After taking my bath, Annie had arranged a sparkling short gown for me, the gown I had worn on New Year’s Eve last year, I always look good whenever I wear that gown. She had selected a silver shoe to go with it and the combination was awesome.

“Dry yourself and come seat here so that I can do your makeup” Annie said to me, I do as I am told.

After Annie had done the final touch, she spinned my chair so I could face the mirror.

Wow! I could hardly recognize myself, I was looking so beautiful, not that I wasn’t looking beautiful without make up, just that I am looking more beautiful now.

At exactly six o’clock, Eddy’s car parked in the front of our house. In two minutes, we heard a knock on the door. I wanted to stand up from the chair I was sitting on in the room but Annie stopped me, she said she would go downstairs first to welcome him, and then she would call me downstairs to make my entry more dramatic.

After everything, Eddy and I left. When we were in his car, I asked him “so where are we going to?”  “My apartment he answered.”

“Why would you take me to your house, I thought we were going on a date” I asked being inquisitive.

“shhhh…. Just be patient and let the surprises unfold on their own” he said.

“Okay” I answered briefly.

When we got to his apartment, everything was normal until we got to his dinning. It was WOW. He had a candle light dinner set for us, he decorated the dinning with flowers and lights. All these for me? Makes me feel just like royalty.

Dinner with Eddy was awesome; he made me laugh so hard, something I hadn’t done for so long. I am now seeing the very romantic and carefree Eddy I never saw when we were working together.

After eating, he took me on a tour around his house, showed me his study room, his personal library and finally his room.

“This is where I think about you every night before I sleep” he said.

When I turned to look at him, his eyes was burning with passion, he looked like he was going to devour me and before I knew it, his lips were on mine. I did not reciprocate his actions but I did not push him away either when he started using his hands to touch all my body, I stopped him.

“This isn’t right Eddy, it’s our first date” I told him.

“It doesn’t matter, it is what we feel that matters”

As he said those words, I pulled away from him retreating my steps. What if this situation goes beyond my control I thought to myself Just then he became calm and apologized, before I knew it, the old Eddy was back.

“I have a surprise for you” he told me.

“What is it??”

“Don’t worry, just close your eyes”

“Just tell me”

“Close your eyes, common! It’s a gift.”

“Okay” I agreed even though I wasn’t sure.

He brought out a blindfold and covered my eyes. Then he held my left wrist and slid it into a round metal. “Did you get me a bracelet?” I asked smiling.

“Something like that.” Then I felt him walking away from the room.  I tried to move my hand but I couldn’t.

Curious to see what Eddy had done to my hand, I used my right hand to remove the blindfold. My oh my! It was a handcuff. Eddy had handcuffed me to his bed. I became worried, I didn’t want to wait for him to come back to see what he was up to, It could never be good.

Quickly, my eyes travelled around the room and I found the key to the cuffs on a table close to the bed. It wasn’t in my hands reach so I decided to use my toes to pick it up.

When I managed to get a hold of the key, I released myself and without anyone telling me I removed my shoes, grabbed my purse and took to my heels.

I was able to make it outside the building in one piece. I stood in the pavement of the street trying to get a cab but it was quite late. My phone started to ring and when I checked, it was Eddy. Geez he has noticed my absence, what do I do, do I start running with my shoes in my hands or should I wait patiently for a cab. What if Eddy is coming out to look for me??

Just then, a Mercedes c300 4matic pulled up slowly in front of me, I was about looking away when the driver rolled down his glass. Low and behold it was James.

“Hey pretty, your shoes are in your hands” he said smiling crookedly.

“I know” I replied as I roll my eyes.

“So what is a pretty damsel like you doing out here so late??”…… “With your shoes in your hands” he added.

“Look, are you going to give me a ride or not?” I said not caring about anything but the fact that Eddy might come out any time soon and I don’t want him to see me.

“Okay, okay. I was going to get to that; you don’t have to be choleric. Just hop in” he said looking straight into my eyes and winked at me, but I was too bothered to think about that right now.

After entering the car, I became relaxed mostly because of the fact that even if Eddy came out to look for me, he wouldn’t see me, he would not even have the slightest idea that I was inside James car.

“hey, am sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier, just that I was trying to avoid someone and you were taking too long to ask me for a ride” I decided to apologize because the way I spoke to him wasn’t right, considering the fact that I was the one who was in need of help.

“No problem, shit happens right??” he chuckled.

“So what are you doing around here?”

“Well my office is not quite far from here, I had a deadline to meet so I was working late. What about you?”

“I told you already didn’t I?”

“What you told me is that you were avoiding someone and you didn’t want him to see you and that is not what you are doing around here is it??”

“Okay, I was out on a date and things got messy when he tried to pull 50 shades out on me” oh my! did I just say that out loud?

There is something about this James guy that makes things easy for me to say.

“Really? That was some kind of guy” he said humorously and we both burst out laughing. His presence was so comforting, his bright and piercing eyes were warm and welcoming, plus the fact that he is hilarious and has a good sense of humor. Everything felt like there was electricity between us.

James pulled over when we got to the front of my house. I thanked him and wanted to come down from the car when he held my hands, looked straight into my eyes and asked;

“Are you okay?”

“Yea I am” I answered casually. Trying my possible best to overcome the tingling feeling and the shiver his touch was sending through my whole body.

“Don’t give me that casual answer, you know what I mean”

“To be honest, I’m trying”

“Okay then, that’s an honest answer. In case you need someone to talk to, or someone to disturb or to hangout with, am here. Take this.” he said as he stretched out his hand and gave me a complimentary card.

“Thanks” I said as I took the card from him. Before I knew it, he leaned on and gave me a peck on my cheeks. I got down from the car; waved him goodbye and then he drove off.

**what do you think of James?? 😂 leave your views in the comment section.**

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