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Jace's POV

I looked up at Elijah's grinning face. I felt disgusted and betrayed, how could he do this too me? All I wanted was to live a normal life, and this is what he does to stop me? How pathetic.

"You're probably wondering why I brought you here." He looked around and gestured to the dark room he put me in.

I didn't respond, I just glared.

"Oh don't look at me like that, Jace. I'm doing what's best for you, and for me of course." He chuckled, he turned around and picked up something from a shelf. He walked into the light holding a little knife, my eyes widened as it glimmered in the dim basement light.

"Now, I'm going to make you regret you ever suggested leaving me.." His grim smile widened as he approached me.

"Don't fucking touch me." I snarled. I struggled in the chair I was tied too, I could feel my heartbeat race as he got closer.

I shuddered as he laid cold blade against my face.

"You know, I've always had a thing for you. Ever since I laid eyes on you when I found you, I instantly knew you'd be mine. But no matter how many hints I gave, you just didn't notice. And then you met that Nick boy, I bet you've fucked haven't you? You have no idea how much I wanted and still want to fuck you." He whispered the last part as he ran the blade down my cheek ever so slowly, cutting into my soft flesh. I hissed at the pain, I could feel a light warm substance run down my cheek.

"I don't want to ruin your face, because it's so beautiful, but I have to make you stay with me." His cold hand cupped my face, he kissed me slowly, his breath was disgusting, it smelled rotten. He's changed so fucking much, and I hate it.

I yanked my head to the side, his hand let go of my face. "So what was it like when you fucked Nick? Or did he fuck you. Pounding into that tight ass of yours?" He teased menacingly.

"Don't you dare talk about Nick." I said through clenched teeth.

"Oh why not huh? Do you miss him? Well that's a real shame, since you're never going to see him again. No one will find you here Jace. I made sure of that." He chuckled darkly. My heart began to race even more. Will I die here?

"Now. Where was I."

He took the blade and sliced through my t-shirt, exposing my chest. His eyes grew darker as he ripped the material off my body, I shivered at the cold air hitting my chest. My nipples slightly hardening. Elijah noticed.

"How cute, is it too cold in here? Or are you feeling horny?" He whispered against my ear as his hand grazed over my groin.

I spat in his face. "Don't fucking touch me." I sneered.

He moved back and wiped the spit off of the side of his face. "You'll regret doing that." He glared as he walked back upstairs and locked the door behind him.

Leaving me in complete silence.

Nicks POV

I got to the station and talked to a few officers. They said they had people investigating, they didn't tell me much else.

This is useless, the idea of me finding him myself may actually happen now. From what I saw they didn't seem bothered at all.

The only person I could probably talk too is Elijah, no matter how much I hate the guy, he is Jace's manager. And I'm sure he would help me if he knew.

I took a cab back to Jace's work building and went to find Noah as well I'm sure he'd be worried by now.

I got out the cab once we arrived and dodged all the running people and went up the elevator. Once I got to the room I unlocked it with the spare key Jace had given me before leaving to go to the shop and walked in.

"Noah?" I called through the big apartment.

A few minutes of calling his name I began to worry. I rushed into the bedroom and there he was, sleeping soundly on Jace's bed. I thanked the lord he was okay.

"Noah." I whispered and shook him gently on the shoulder.

"Mmmm whatttt?" He rubbed his eyes sleepily and got up. His eye opened as he rubbed his other one. And immediately he got excited.

"Nick you're back! Where's Jace?" He hugged me and got on his knees so we were the same height.

I became sad at the thought of Jace, and someone hurting him.

"Oh god Nick your head!" Noah looked at me with worried eyes, clearly noticing the emotion I felt as well as the cut.

"When Jace and I finished shopping we walked out the shop and not even seconds later a van pulled up and two men got out of the car. I tried getting Jace back but he was too strong.. Noah I'm sorry. I tried.." Tears started falling, I haven't cried in so long, I'm surprised I didn't cry when I woke up. But I guess telling a young teen like Noah just made me realise how endangered people are. He could be next for all I know...

His small arms wrapped around me. I hugged him back, my tears falling onto his shirt and skin. "I'm sure the police will do everything in their power to bring him back." He whispered. I nodded against him.

I pulled away and smiled a bit. "Yeah you're right. I need to find Elijah, and tell him what's happened."

Noah nodded. "Let's go find him."


Sorry I didn't upload for those who wanted it during the week, I've been applying for loads of jobs! Sorry!

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