Chapter Five.

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What the hell happened to me?! I lost all control of my body. His chest mesmerised me....does this mean I'm g-gay?!

No, no, no,no. Nick, calm the fuck down. You are into chicks not dudes.

Fuck, I can't believe I touched his chest. I must've looked like a right idiot. I slammed my head against the nearest wall until my head started pounding.

"I'm a fucking idiot..." I mumbled before looking up at his house and walking home.

-Jace/Sam's POV-

I stood at my bedroom window watching Nick walk away from my house. I groaned and punched the nearest wall making a slight dent in the plaster.


I'm such an idiot. The way he looked at me was so bizarre, does that mean he's gay too? Or is he only finding out about his sexuality. All these questions! I raked my hand through my hair and sighed heavily. A metallic smell hit my nose and I immediately looked at my knuckles, they were bleeding slightly.

I groaned loudly and went into my bathroom to sort out my wounded knuckles.


I sat in my seat in science waiting for Nick to show up, I'm not going to lie, I'm nervous. He's going to go back to the horrible Nick and pick on me with his buddies.

Just as the bell went to signal that you had to be in homeroom, the one and only Nick waltzes in. To be honest, he looked like shit. It looked as if he hadn't had a wink of sleep. We briefly made eye contact before he broke it and strode to the back of the class and took a seat next to a blonde haired girl.

"Hello class, I hope the project is coming along nicely. If you're not already, I want you to sit with your partners." The teacher shuffled his papers and got out a board pen.

After a few minutes I felt a body sit next to me, I went to awkwardly smile at Nick but I frowned when I saw it was another guy. Not that I'm complaining as he's so damn gorgeous. Almost as gorgeous as Nick. Dark brown hair, gorgeous brown eyes...

"Hey." The hottie waved. I turned around and saw that no one was looking this way. I looked back and he tilted his head with confusion.

"Me?" I questioned, pointing to my chest.

He chuckled and nodded, "Of course, who else would I talk too?"

I cleared my throat and scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.

"I'm Callum, Callum Frost." He held out his hand. I took it hesitantly, "Ja-Sam Reed." I shook his hand slowly, I almost blew my cover. He smiled a toothy grin, I couldn't help but smile with him.

"You have a nice smile." He suddenly said. I then remembered that I forgot to put my braces in this morning.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath.

"Did I say something wrong?" He asked worriedly. I shook my head and smiled.

"So, does this mean we can be partners for the project? That's if you don't already have one..." Callum trailed off and played with his fingers. I glanced behind me and saw Nick sat next to a girl at the back. I watched as his arm moved under the table and the girl rolled her eyes back.

Classy, Nick.

He caught me staring and I looked away so fast I thought I broke my neck and died.

Callum chuckled, "You may have got whiplash."

I playfully nudged his shoulder. "Yes, I'll be your partner. Seeing as my old one is too busy fingering a girl at the back." I rolled my eyes and he chuckled again.

Oh my, his chuckle is arousing. It was deep and throaty. Me likey.

"So class today we will be carrying on with..."

-After science-

"So, Sam...You wanna come back to mine to carry on the project you did with Mr. Popular over there?" Callum asked while pushing his back further on his shoulder. I clutched my books and nodded. "I'll meet you at the back of the school?" He asked. I nodded, unable to speak because of his God like beauty.

"See you, Sam." Callum waved as he walked out of the classroom. I smiled to myself.

I was about to walk out of the door, until a familiar voice spoke from behind me.

"Found another partner then have you, Nerd?"

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