Chapter Four

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Jace/Sam's POV

What am I going to do?! If he comes back to mine, he's going to know straight away who I am.  Hell, he may not have ever heard of me, but my disguise will be ruined! I took deep breaths as I walked briskly down the corridor, I have to avoid Nick at all costs...I didn't think the end of the day would come so soon...

As I was about to open the door to freedom a deep voice called my name. "Sam! Wait up!" I froze and the smile dropped. Fuck.

I turned around slowly to see Nick jogging towards me. "Thought you could get away? Not on my watch, nerd." Nick smirked while I grimaced at the thought of him finding out I'm not an actual nerd. I'm so fucked. Then he'll tell everyone where I am, then the stupid paparazzi will come and I'll be doomed.

I was about to say something to Nick when I heard a shriek. "OH MY GOD! Bethany come look at this tweet!" A girl screamed at her friend. "What you girls shrieking about?" Nick whined as he put his finger in his ear. "You haven't heard?! All the girls are going crazy! Jace Axel has put his modelling career on hold! Apparently he wants to have a normal life for a while..." The blonde headed girl whined. "Is Jace the model who did the Gucci advert?" Nick tilted his head. "Yeah! Isn't he dreamy! If he was at our school I'd definitely pounce on him and probably rape him!" The Bethany girl said.

I gulped and took some steps back. I didn't know my fans were this crazy.

I cleared my throat. "Well I have to get going, I have a important schedule this evening." I quickly turned on my heels and ran out the school doors. "Oi, Sam!" Nick called after me but I ran and got into my car. I quickly buckled my seat belt and turned on the ignition. I watched as Nick ran up to the car and opened the car door and got in so fast I thought my head was going to explode.

The fuck?

"Nick get out."

"What?" He asked amused, and slightly panting. "Are you really talking to me like that, nerdy?"


I watched as Nicks face contorted into anger. "Don't you dare speak to me like that. Now fucking drive to your house so we can be done with this fucking dumb ass project and we can go our separate ways."

I growled and drove towards my house.

I'm going to fucking kill this guy.


I got out of the car and slammed the door. I got out my keys and walked to the front door.

"Are you going to stand there like an idiot or are you going to come in?" I turned back and saw Nick gawking at my very big house. "A-are you minted or something?" Nick asked as he walked up to me. I sighed and opened the door. "My parents are." I mumbled before walking in and throwing my bag on the floor. Nick whistled approvingly and shut the door.

"Want anything to drink?" I asked, faking a humble smile. He nodded. "A coke please, if not, water." He replied politely. I nodded and got out a can of diet coke out of ice box. "Here." I threw him the coke. "Cheers." He smiled and opened the can, he took a sip and licked his lips.

For some reason, that turned me on.

Nick is very good looking. Although he has a shit personality, he's very handsome.

"What are you staring at?" Nick demanded. I blinked and came out whatever trance I was in. "O-oh, nothing." I brushed off this weird feeling and got out my text books for the project.

"Let's get started."

-4 hours later-

"Where are your parents?" Nick suddenly asked.

We had finished the first part of the project half an hour ago, we still have another 5 more parts to go. Right now, Nick and I are watching GrownUps.

I shook my head. "I don't have any." I said simply.  I saw Nicks head bolt towards me. "I-I..u-um.."

"It's okay."

"I hate them anyway." I said in disgust.

I knew Nick hesitated but he asked anyway. "Why?"

I took a deep breath and looked at him.

"My father kicked me out...because I told him I was gay."

Nicks face contorted into many mixed emotions. He looked confused, sad, regretful...I almost felt bad for the guy.

"Oh." Is all Nick said.

I nodded. "If you don't like gays, then you can leave. Go ahead. Tell everyone my secret. I don't care." I looked down at my hands as if they were the most interesting thing on this earth and picked at my nails.

"I'm not going to say anything. It isn't my old were you?" Nick moved closer to me.

"Fourteen." I could feel the tears starting to form.

"How did you get this place if you got kicked out?"

I hesitated before saying, "My manager found me." I looked at Nick and his face was pure confusion.

"Manager?" He asked confused.

I nodded. "My manager, Elijah. He found me and saw that I had potential."

"Potential? Sam just spit it out." Nick got impatient.

I can't tell him, I don't trust him enough.

"It doesn't matter. Look it's late, you should be heading home." I stood up and turned the movie off. I walked over to the light and turned it on.

I yawned and stretched. I felt my back click and I sighed, feeling satisfied with the relief.

I looked and Nick and his eyes were wide, I tilted my head and looked at him questionably.

He stood up and came over to me.

"Lift your shirt up." He demanded.

Oh shit. He saw my abs. No, no, no.

"Why?" I asked, pretending to have no idea what he was talking about.

He growled and pinned me to the wall. He roughly ripped my shirt apart exposing my chiseled chest.

"Whoa..." Nicks eyes raked my body slowly. I could see his eyes darken until only a little of his green iris was showing.

"N-Nick?" I flinched as he put a hand on my chest. What is he doing?

His calloused hand ran up and down my stomach gently.

"Nick..." I breathed. As soon as I said his name, he came out of the trance he was in. He blinked a couple of times.

"S-sorry...I-I should...I should go." He stuttered. He quickly grabbed his things and walked out of the front door without saying another word.

I blinked and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I looked down and saw a tent in my jeans. Damn it.

I best of sort out my problem.

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