liar, liar!!

277 28 7

"let's play pretend!
(since you're the best at it)

in here we'll ascend:
into the dark bends
and wide, furious ends.
meeting strange trends
and then identify with these colourful blends.

you need our lend?
here, let us happily send
a hesitant tend
and maybe try to tentatively mend
that mouth of a friend.

changes are impend;
please, it's to append
the sickening intend...
(i suppose it depends)

you need an extend?
no i won't commend
there's a cause to the offend.
but now i shall beautifully descend
and leave you all alone to amend."

date: 10th august, 2016
time: 23:50 p.m.


annoyance was the emotion i felt when i did this. i was infuriated with everyone lying to me and pretending that everything was ok, when it really wasn't.

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