~nothing without u~

152 14 3

"countless inventions of falsity
executed flawlessly.
sinuous country roads to our torn city
corrupted thoughtlessly
by your severed monstrosity.

leaving cautiously...
claiming to never return to this mentality:
no belief in romancing heavenly.
yet the loss of my equality
crawling through spaces wrongfully
as my proof is paucity;

welcoming back, solemnly—
always such an oddity
within me inaudibly
and your plausibility
to ease this audience unlawfully?

so gritty!
how gaudily!
pretty pity
you know? dishonesty saucily...
disregarded as witty.
forever at block of aimlessly
...just a throttle of your sumptuosity."

date: 25th july, 2016
time: 17:46 p.m.

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