f u

76 17 15

i can't remember
the last time
i had a real friend.
friendships, now,
mean absolutely nothing
to me.

'i miss you,
let's do something'
but never did...
so did you ever
really miss me?
or was it just
simple small talk?

but wait,
that's not the BEST part!
'plans for next week?
of COURSE it never
fucking happened.
just the day before
(it always is)
and i'm feeling so
alive and excited to
see everybody,
only to have my hopes
stomped on yet again
by everybody's lies.

f u:
stop fucking with me.
you turned out
to be the person
you said you'd
never be."

date: 23rd september, 2017
time: 00:15 a.m.

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