homemade movies

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"old memories
brought me back
up here.
seeing dust and boxes,
i saw that one near.

it was so ancient,
everything fell out...
just like us.
perhaps it
was a sign?

replacing and trying
to fix,
i couldn't put
everything back together.
just like us.

for a while,
i stepped away
from that horrid room.
but i came back afterwards...
i had to give it another go.
i had to try.

i actually did it!
could this be fate
or just luck?
i couldn't care.

hours upon hours,
i watched our
homemade movies;
reminiscing those
times we spent.
my heart beats again.

i just finished and
i cried for a while,
realising i had to
get you back.
things needed to
change and this
was definitely a sign.

calling your number,
i still remember it
after all these years.
but it wasn't
your voice."

date: 17th august, 2017
time: 11:46 a.m.

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