Part 1

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Scarlet glared at the mirror. This was not herself staring back at her. Sure, the girl in the mirror had Scarlet's red curls and pale skin, but this girl was different. This girl was more beautiful than Scarlet had ever seen herself.

She had her hair twisted into a pretty, loose knot on the back of her head, and she had small ruby earrings on. Scarlet would never admit it, but she was completely thrilled with how they looked on her. She had been sent the earrings, along with her red second-era cut dress, as presents from Winter, specifically intended to be worn tonight.

Tonight. The night that Scarlet would finally find out the news that Winter had been cryptically hinting at for weeks. Scarlet had been trying to demand that if it was so important, why didn't she just tell her over the port?

But Scarlet could just picture the impish grin on Winter's face as she evaded the question and told Scarlet to look forward to the fourth, when she would be done her latest ambassadorial trip and be able to visit.

Scarlet had waited for weeks. All of the times she spoke to Winter on the port, which was less than she would have liked, then she would beg to be told, something she did not do often. Wolf teased her, saying that the only time Scarlet would ever ask for anything was when she couldn't take it herself.

Scarlet didn't appreciate it.

She looked away from the mirror, scanning the floor with her eyes for her shoes, the same ones that Winter had brought to her on her wedding day that she insisted she kept, as they were just so perfect on her. She knelt next to her bed, trying to see if they were underneath it.

"What are you doing?"

Scarlet jumped up, startled by Wolf's voice, and banged her head on the underside of the bed frame. She swore loudly, and heard a deep chuckle. She glared at Wolf, rubbing her bump and sufficiently messing up her hair.

"What?" She asked irritably.

"I asked you first."

Scarlet huffed. "I'm trying to find my shoes. You know, the little red ones Winter gave me?"

Wolf nodded.

"They're by the door. I put them there yesterday, when you told me Winter was coming and that you didn't want to lose your shoes. I told you." Scarlet felt her frustration fizzle. She hung her head a little.

"I'm sorry."

Wolf came to sit next to her on the floor. He took her hand into his massive fist, and gave it a little squeeze. He kissed her on the top of her head and said "I know. And I know that Winter not telling you this had been really bugging you. It's not your fault you've been a little... on edge, lately."

She pulled back a little, a small frown on her face. "I've been on edge?"

Wolf laughed, once. "Yesterday you nearly broke the worker android's sensor because it was in your way."

Scarlet melted into Wolf's arms, feeling, not for the first time, really, really tired. "I thought I was the friend she came to first."

Wolf stroked her hair, further tangling it, but Scarlet was so far past caring. She only did her hair because Winter had told her tonight was a nice occasion, and to dress accordingly. She had Iko send over video instructions for a waterfall braid, but had ignored them in favour of a simple knot she could do without 40 bobby pins.

"I know. But, whatever it is, it's good that she's telling you now. And who knows? You may still be the first she's told."

Scarlet scoffed, using the bed to pull herself off the floor. "I highly doubt it," she said, smoothing out her dress. Wolf gave her a sympathetic head tilt, but she left the room before he could try to make her feel better again.

Wolf didn't know what she was going through. He didn't have the same kind of relationship with any of their circle of friends that Scarlet had with Winter. She walked all the way down the stairs to the front door, where her shoes were waiting. She knew that Wolf had followed her down, but she didn't acknowledge his presence.

After her shoes were on and her port was packed in her handbag, she turned to see Wolf standing on the stairs, waiting for her to say goodbye. She walked back up so that she could kiss him goodbye. It wasn't his fault that Winter had been keeping something from Scarlet and she had been taking it badly. He had done nothing to deserve her being short or mean to him.

She gave him a peck on the lips and a little smile. "I don't know when we'll be back, but don't wait up, okay?"

Wolf smiled. "You know I will."

Scarlet walked back down the stairs, and was leaving the house and halfway out the door when she heard "Scar?"

She turned around.

"You look beautiful." She gave Wolf a small smile and a wave before shutting the door behind her. The night was now hers and Winter's.

(COMPLETED) The Lunar Chronicles - Winter's SummerWhere stories live. Discover now