Part 24

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Winter watched as Cress crossed the land to sit by Wolf's side. She saw her holding him, and she saw them stand up and begin walking back to the group, Cress's little hand engulfed in Wolf's massive fist.

Winter didn't want to think it, but she saw Cress as brave, because she saw approaching Wolf as a dangerous thing. Something that you don't do for fear of injury.

She hated thinking of Wolf like that. They had good times together, planting flowers and just enjoying each other's company, so good, in fact, that it was easy for Winter to forget that he was dangerous.

He large teeth became something she only saw when he threw his head back and laughed. His hands had never been weapons, they were used for kneading dough.

Watching Wolf and Cress come back towards the group, Winter saw his fangs as fangs and his claws as claws. She was terrified of him.

As Cress and Wolf came close enough for the group to hear their conversation, Winter heard Cress saying "And I can track them using Scarlet's chip."

After the revolution, the entire crew had opted out of having their ID chips put back in, but were persuaded by Kai to have some form of tracking device, in case they were ever acted against again. Like Scarlet being taken.

So Kai had one surgeon, sworn to secrecy by the Eastern Commonwealth government, plant small chips in their heads, behind their ears, like Kai's had been before Cinder had kidnapped him.

Winter was Rega Brand. Jacin was Robert James. And Scarlet was Lilly Downie.

"What will we do then?" Wolf asked, looking more than slightly miserable.

"We go after her." Cress tried to smile, but it seemed to have some sadness behind it as well. She looked at Thorne to see him glancing back at her. They shared a short moment, an unidentified emotion charging the air.

Winter suspected that there was something going on. Something they weren't telling the crew.

"So, what's our next move?" Cinder asked, settling her hands on her hips, very much like Scarlet did. Winter could see the way that the crew had molded together, adopting other people's movements or way of speaking. They had become so intertwined in the fight with Levana that it seemed like there was no difference between where one person ended and the other started.

It was that fact that made it hurt so much more acutely now that Scarlet was gone. She could be dead. Winter could never see her friend again, but be reminded of her every time she was with any of her other friends. It was maddening, and there was still a chance they could save Scarlet. Winter didn't dare consider what would happen if they didn't.

She pushed the thoughts to the side, refocusing on Cinder's question.

"We find Scarlet and go after her." Wolf spoke with no hesitation, a growl evident in his tone.

Cinder nodded. "Simple. To the point. I like it. Let's go."

And at that inspiring speech, the crew started walking back towards the Rampion, Winter walking with her arm around Jacin's waist and his arm around her shoulders.

There was something nagging her at the back of her mind, something she had to talk to him about, but she wasn't sure she had enough courage to bring it to his attention. She waited until they were back in the Rampion.

"Jacin? Could I talk to you for a moment?"

Jacin looked at Wolf, seeming to ask him if he needed his help with flying. Wolf saw him, and turned to Cress, same question in his eyes. Cress said "I'm going to need about ten minutes to find her before we start going anywhere."

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