Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"Attention passengers. Please fasten your seat-belts and put your tray tables up. We have now safely arrived to the French Islands. Thank you for flying with AirFrançais."

"Wake up pet!" Tristan wouldn't stop poking my nose so I bit him.
"Ouch! No need to be hostile!"

"Then stop poking my face!" He should've expected that to happen. After all, it really wasn't the first time I bit him. I got up and lost my balance.

"Whoa, watch out." Daemon caught me by the waist to keep me from making contact with the floor. I glanced up at him. His hazel eyes meeting my crystal blue ones. He looked so freakin hot! Snap out Ella!
I quickly moved away from him mumbling a thank you.

When we got outside the air was so hot that it was unbearable. We immediately checked into the private hotels that were only reserved for werewolves from Alpha families.

"You and Daemon should share a room!" Kelly smiled at me winking.

"I promised Rae that I would stay with her." I grabbed onto Rae's arm detaching her from Kevin.

"Uhh yeah and Kevin with Daemon." Rae looked at me, "Didn't you guys resolve your issues yesterday? I hear you slept in the same room too." She whispered.

"It was for show!" I hissed through my teeth smiling.

"Mmmm okay then." Kelly gave us the room keys and we bolted upstairs.
"We are going to go swimming so come down fast!" Emma called out.

Our rooms were up on the penthouse floor. It looked beautiful with the breathtaking view of the sea outside. Rae ran into the bathroom to change so I took my jeans off along with my shirt as I looked for my bikini in my bag. Rae got out in her orange-white striped two piece which showed all of her curves with extra support, it kinda made me jealous.

"Think fast!" She threw a bag at me.
"Wear those! We need to match! I'm going down!"

It was one of the sets we bought when we were at the mall except mine was navy-white striped. I went in the bathroom and put them on tying my hair into a messy bun. I put on my red booty shorts and ran down to the beach to join the crew. Going down, the first person I noticed was Daemon and how hot he looked in his swim suit. Though I realized I wasn't the only person noticing him because practically every girl on this beach was staring at him and coming over to flirt.

"Hey baby!" I walked over to him, putting my arms possessively around his naked torso and tip-toed to give him a kiss. He put his arms around my waist pulling me towards him even closer. The girls glared at me and left turning their heads to the other three boys. Same thing happened with the other three except that they got a lot more lip service and Rae went as far as to put her hands into Kevin's pants. She always got possessive when it got to Kevin, especially with humans. After the girls cleared out, I released my hold on Daemon and walked under one of the group tent set ups.

"Want me to rub your back?" Kelly took out a sunscreen lotion from her beach bag. I nodded and turned my back to her as she began rubbing the cool cream on my back.

"Do mine." Rae turned around in front of me as I began to do the same thing to her back. Tristan was in the middle of doing Emma's on her chair and Alec was doing Kelly's after she had finished with mine. I patted Rae on the shoulder to tell her that I was done so she ran towards Kevin to do his. I looked toward Daemon who was trying to put some sunscreen on his back but wasn't doing such a good job. I wanted to go and help him so I walked over.

"You need help?" I asked standing in front of him.

"Please." He looked up squinting and smiled. It wasn't a cocky smile this time, it was like a genuine caring smile that made my heart melt. Or maybe it was just the really hot weather.

I sat right behind him putting some of the lotion in my hands and began rubbing them on his broad shoulders in circles. He turned around when I was done so I could start putting some on his chest and abs. I rubbed the cream on his abs and began feeling lower until I reached the little tent that was forming on his shorts. I drawing circles at the tip until he suddenly grabbed my hands and pulled me close.

"Let's save this for later." He said, his lips brushed mine a couple of times. I was so tempted to lean in and kiss him.

"In your dreams." I smirked. I suddenly snapped out of my trance. I am not losing this game. I got up and walked to my original spot from earlier.

"Wanna swim?" I asked Rae and she looked up at me clapping her hands.

"YES!" She grabbed my hand pulling me towards the sea. The cold water was cool on my hot skin, brushing it softly and going back with the waves. I splashed Rae a bunch of times and she came full force on me until we both fell and started to swim in deeper.

"I missed swimming like this." Rae smiled sitting on one of the big donut floats we had brought.

"Yeah." I sighed sitting in my own donut. We were drifting calmly with the waves.

"You know that you have to let go sometime soon." Rae suddenly said.

"I know but I don't want to loose her." I argued. I wasn't an ordinary werewolf. I was born as a pure white mane which was really rare. My eyes turn white when I go in my true form and I have the ability to transform half way when my tail and ears come out only. But the most un-ordinary part would be that I had the ability to change my mane color because it was really risky for white mane wolves to fight.

"I'm not going to push you but it's not good to make your own mate to wait. I am pretty sure you feel a strong pull to him and stop the games with him. It will only hurt you." Rae looked at me. She really looked serious and mature, it was kind of surprising. She's usually the type of person to make a joke out of everything. I smiled at her nodding and started swimming to the shore.


I thought I published this earlier but apparently I didn't so here it is!! Hope you enjoy!!

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