Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Daemon POV

Something definitely was up. After Ella and her friend Rae went for a swim, "something" happened. She wasn't as happy as she was when we first got here. Her smile didn't reach her eyes, it made me sad. Great. You're going soft Daemon.

"Yeah but she's your mate man! Don't be a douche. You were already enough of an ass when you rejected her!" My wolf growled at me. He was really mad at me when I had rejected her the first time. I realized it was a mistake though at her birthday party. I came on this trip to prove to her that I really want to be her mate and that I am sorry but I couldn't get the proper chance. It seems like she completely hates me.

"I said I was sorry didn't I? Now tell me, why is she looking all sad?" I asked my wolf.

"I don't know. I can't even make a connection with her wolf." My wolf answered confused. Can't make contact? All mate's wolves are supposed to make contact. They are practically bound to each other.

"It's as if she doesn't have a wolf. But the weirdest things was, I talked to Ella."

"What do you mean?" I asked my wolf. How could he talk to Ella? It's impossible.

"I could talk to her through my connection."

"Strange..." I blocked him out and made my way to Rae's room. I knew Ella wouldn't tell me anything yet. I had a feeling that she was restraining herself from me for some reason. Maybe I could ask Rae about that too. I saw her by the pool with Kevin. I guess both of them could tell me what's going on.

"Hey guys." I sat down next to them in one of the lawn chairs.

"Yo." Kevin nodded his head and Rae waved.
"What's up?"

"It's about Ella. I don't know how to tell this and it's weird but, my wolf can't contact hers." I asked hoping to find an answer. Rae looked at Kevin and then to me hesitantly.

"About Ella...she's not like us." Kevin started explaining.


"She's a pure white." He replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked them. Pure whites are very rare. Non-existent even.

"Ella was born during a full moon when all the moons from all the planets were aligned. She was born as a pure white. According to Alec and Tristan, she alone is more powerful than a werewolves combined. But because of that she's not allowed to transform even though she can change her color."

"Hold on. She can't transform?" I ask trying to absorb every single detail about what had just been said.

"She's forbidden, Daemon. It's very risky to let her transform. Even though she can change colors, it requires too much energy." Rae said looking up at the moon.

"Why can't my wolf contact hers? Why is she so hesitant to be with me?" I asked. I had so many more questions. Everything made sense now. Ella wasn't in any of the wolf training sessions nor was she ever outside when there was the traditional hunts.

"It's because her wolf is dying." Rae looked at me sadly.


"She has to give up on her wolf once she finds her mate. Ella is hesitant because she doesn't want to let go of her wolf. She thinks she can hold on to her if she doesn't mate but she says that her wolf isn't taking as much as before." Rae started at me intently, she looked very serious.
"Don't push her for anything. Give her sometime."

"I need to talk to her. She's my mate and she should know that I'm there for her no matter what." I stood up from the chair and made my way to Ella's room.

"Good luck, man!" Kevin hollered from behind and Rae tossed me the keys to their suite giving me a thumbs up. I smiled back at them waving.


Ooooohhh now we know the secret behind Ella!!!! What will Daemon do!?!? Dun dun dun!!!


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