Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Ella's POV

I opened my eyes slowly trying to ignore the pain on the right side if my head. It was dark. There was only one source of light that was hanging from the ceiling that barely even lit the whole room. What happened..?

***Flashback to what happened***

I smiled at Daemon as we were eating with my family. Mom was currently yelling at the boys about responsibilities and dad was simply laughing while shoving his face full of food.

"Okay okay! As a welcome present and a big apology for what happened earlier, I shall take you for a run, my sweet baby sister." Vince stood up making me laugh.

"What happened?" Daemon asked about what had happened earlier and I simply chuckled. "Nothing."

As promised, Vince took me for a run in the woods and to say that I was happy was an understatement. I was competent giddy and exploding because I could finally shift into my wolf. I smiled hugely causing Daemon to chuckle. We asked mom and dad to join us but they decided to retire to their beds going to do "god-knows-what" as Logan described it while winking. Oh god. Gross.

"TO THE FOREST!!" Vince exclaimed running towards it as fast as he could racing along with Daemon neck to neck. They both showed immense power and I was kinda jealous because they had more practice than me. Logan joined them along with their games and I scoffed to myself. To think that one of them is the "Big Bad Alpha" that I'm mated with. They were racing like little kids...little 22 year olds. I snapped out of my thoughts to see that they weren't there anymore and went in their direction to find them. As I got deeper into the woods I started calling at them trying to find them. Great. First day at meeting your brothers and you already lost them. Good job Ella.

"Daemon!" I called out and heard some rustling to my right. I looked over but nothing was there. And then Logan suddenly jumped up making me yelp in surprise.


"Not funny!! I thought I lost you guys!" I smacked his head glaring at them as Vinny and Daemon appeared from the back laughing. Daemon was a part of this too!? Oh he's definitely not sleeping anywhere near me tonight.

"You should have seen your face!" Logan gasped as he tried to regulate his breathing because he was laughing too hard. I pushed him over making them laugh even more.

"You guys suck." I turned around crossing my arms like a two year old and pouted. Daemon wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck making me shiver. I leaned into him still pouting and Vinny made barfing faces at the sight of us. It really felt like I was safe.

Vinny held out his hand telling me to take it and bolting off in full speed with me as soon as I grabbed it.

"LETS VENTURE LITTLE SIS!" He laughed leading me deeper in the woods. I started laughing along with his contagious one. Suddenly we stopped and Vince sniffed the air.

"What's wrong...?" I asked confused. He looked around searching for something.

"It smells off...."

"What do you mean off?"

"Someone who's not supposed to be here is here." His eyes shined gold and he seemed angry. This forest was the Alpha's private property and alphas tended to get really possessive on what was theirs. But then it hit me. What if they were playing games with me again?

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