Chpt. 28

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I went outside to the park shivering as the cold air brushed my exposed skin. Rubbing my arms I tried to warm myself at least a bit.

While I was walking around I suddenly heard sobs.

Then I saw her... crying on a bench.

I slowly made my way towards her till I stood in front of her.

She stopped sobbing and looked up to me. I guess she was hoping for someone else because as she saw me she looked annoyed and turned her face away to hide her swollen eyes.

"What do you want?" She said pissed avoiding my gaze.

"It's because of Chanyeol?"

As soon as I mentioned his name she desperately started to cry again. Covering her face in her hands she couldn't stop.

I sat down next to her and hugged her.

"Chanyeol is my best friend. Come on now tell me what's wrong." I whispered hugging her more tight.

It took a while for her to calm down.
I know she would never admin it but me being with her was comforting. I slowly caressed her back hoping that it will help.

"Please promise me you won't tell him what I will tell you now." She looked up into my sincere eyes and I nodded.

"It started a while ago... there is this girl Kyomi."

"Your ex bestfriend?"

Her eyes widened. "How do you know?"

"Chanyeol showed me the picture of you and JaeBum and told me a bit." I nodded giving her the sign to continue.

"Oh... so... she had a crush on Chanyeol long before we were dating. She didn't tell me about it but... she got really jealous when she saw us together and then one day I brought her to the anniversary of our company. It was a huge party and well... she gave me more alcohol than I could take. JaeBum had his emotional crisis back then. It was after you left the country."

She was speaking so fast that I wasn't sure if I got every word she said.

I frowned. "After I left? He was back?"

She rolled her eyes. "Of course, you were so ignorant to just leave. He came back for you but it was too late." My heart stopped.

"What did you do with JaeBum?" I suddenly asked with panic.

She huffed. "Nothing of course! But she took pictures of me while I tried to comfort him. I wasn't at full senses so it... was about to..." She blushed. "Get a little sexual." She added in a low voice.

My eyes widened. "Oh my god did you two fuck?!" I spat out and stood up furiously.

"What the fuck SunHi!? Shut your stupid mouth! We didn't of course! I know him since elementary school how would I ever dare to do something like that?!"

I took a deep breath and sat back down. My heart was racing and I didn't know if I should feel happy or angry or sad. I am so confused!!!!

"I never told Chanyeol about JaeBum because he is my boss and I don't want him to get the wrong idea. I thought if he sees the pictures he would think that I have cheated on him."

At this point I wasn't sure if she was lying but somehow I felt that she wasn't. I know she is a bitch but when it comes to JaeBum she would never dare to make such mistakes which she would regret her whole life.

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