Chpt. 36

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"He's not gay." Mark laughed as I told him what had happened.

I gulped. "It was weird." I took a sip of my frappe and shivered as I felt the coldness going down my throat.

"I'm sure there's an explanation for it." He drank from his ice tea and looked around the coffee shop.

"Why didn't you get a boyfriend from abroad? They're handsome, aren't they?" Mark asked with a smirk. "I heard that korean girls are really popular overseas."

I chocked on my drink. "Y-Yah... what do you think I am?" Embarrassed I kept my head low looking down on my drink. "I wasn't able to look at someone else..." I mumbled.

"Then why do you think that JaeBum was able to do so?"

Surprised I looked up and met his eyes. Not knowing what to answer I just stare at him speechless.
Amused he furrowed a brow waiting for a response.

"I..." I sighed. "I don't know. He acts like a moron and treats me like shit." I finally said.

"We're back at where we've started!" Mark threw his head back and chuckled.

"I know!" He lifted his head again and slammed his hands on the table.

"Yah!" I looked around seeing everyone stare at us. "Are you crazy?!"

"Just act nice." He said smiling widely.

I frowned. "Nice?" I repeated confused.

"Yes nice. Be kind and polite. Smile a lot. That will catch him off guard, trust me." He crossed his arms and nodded feeling proud about his idea.

I looked at him with disbelief and nodded slowly. "Then... Nice it is..." I drank from my frappe thinking about what Mark had just said.


I hummed as I walked back to the company.


I turned around and saw Chanyeol running towards me hand in hand together with JiWon. She flashed me a smile and I returned it.

"Lunch time is over. Let's get back to work." I said and he nodded.

"What did you do?" He asked as we walked into the building.

"I met with a friend." Standing in front of the elevator I pressed the button.

"I'll see you later Chanyeol I have to copy some papers." JiWon pecked Chanyeol's cheek and went to talk to the information service. I watched her and then smiled at Chanyeol.

"I feel happy for you." I said smiling and looked at the opening elevator door.

"Who was that guy you met with?" Chanyeol asked and I froze as I saw JaeBum standing in the elevator. He furrowed a brow and looked at Chanyeol and then back at me as he heard what Chanyeol had said.

Chanyeol didn't even realize it and went into the elevator. I followed him shyly looking down.

"Oh President Im." He bowed and so did I.

"So?" He asked further being persistent as hell.

"Uhmm... it w-was Mark." I stammered feeling nervous around JaeBum.

"Who? Why are you whispering?" He asked leaning closer to me. My heart began racing as I felt uncomfortable talking about it when JaeBum is listening.

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