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"And this is your English class. I'll let you choose your seat." Ms Sage says. I nod and walk straight to the back of the class.

I sit down and look into the black screen of my phone to look at my face. I have done a good job at trying to look unapproachable. My hazel eyes have sharp eyeliner above them and dark brows. I have black lipstick on and I have contoured fairly strongly. My skin is naturally pale and relatively un-tan-able. My dark and messy curls make that seem more prominent.

I look up as the Head teacher talks to my English teacher as they give me sly looks, telling me that they are talking about me. I stare at them until Ms Sage awkwardly coughs and with a few political smiles she walks out. Her black kitten heals clicking on the vinyl floor and her messy bun slowly falling and letting her thin light brown hair fall loosely on her shoulders.

When my English teacher starts to teach again I put an earphone in and listen to some music. I take a deep breath in and relax.

There is no real reason why I have been put into this alternative high school. I didn't skip school that much or have that many issues. None that these people can help with anyway. To be honest I think it is because I have been emancipated, and I have all control over my life. My social worker Carol has mentioned this too, so she had something to do with this I am sure. I am 17. Emancipation shouldn't be a big deal.

To be honest I don't mind. In one year, hopefully less, I can get out of this town. Out of the government apartment and I can run away.

Soon enough class is over and it is lunch. I do have a few free lessons so I didn't bother coming in. I see a seat in the far end of the hall. It is large enough for two but there is only one seat. I put my bag down and listen to music as I eat my apple and look out of the window.

The view is nice. It is fairly dry, almost dessert like. But the trees in the distance bring colour and life into the picture. It almost makes me smile as I realise the connection. Ahead is life. In the future I will live. If only time would speed up.

Soon enough the bell goes and with a hearty sigh I stand up and swing the bag over my shoulder. I go to the girl's bathroom and sigh as I look in the mirror. Do I really have to have such a front? I roll my eyes and end the day as I have begun the day. Silently.

I wipe off my makeup the second I enter my apartment. I kick off the spikey shoes and I get changed into sweatpants. I lay in my bed and my cat instantly jumps on and lays next to me. She rests her head on my forearm and starts to gently sleep. I chuckle and stroke her long fur with my free hand.

"Goodnight Kitty." I whisper the only words I have spoken today. The black fluff ball meows slightly in response and I also start my nap. Dreaming of a land far, far away.

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