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I frown as I walk into English. Ever since that intrusive boy James informed me that we share the class I have been contemplating whether to go or not. I don't trust him. I go to my usual seat at the back and listen to music as I scribble some notes down from the textbook.

"Hey." I hear through my music. I frown as I look up. "You shouldn't frown so much, you'll get wrinkles." James says with a smirk. I shake my head and lower my head again.

After a few minutes I calm down from the shock and I look up to see James actually working. I lift my eyebrows in surprise. He does not seem interested in learning before. I shrug it off and carry on doing my work, glancing at him occasionally.

Before lunch I don't have a lesson so I go to the school's library. I smile when I realise how empty it is. I pick out a book and start reading. I sit on a beanbag chair as I read and I loosen up. I put my hair out of its tight bun and I run my hair through it.

When the bell goes for lunch I sign the book out and bring it to my table. I eat my apple as I read the book, occasionally looking at the view out of the window.

"Hey." James says. I lift my eyes from the page I am on and I lower them again as I keep reading. He lowers his head to the table to catch my attention but I ignore him. He pulls something out of his bag and as he writes I watch him. As he clicks his pen closed I look back down at the book. He slides the notebook to me and I read what he has written.

I know you can write, is this better than talking? It reads. I look at him and he raises his eyebrows. I take the notebook and pen and I place it over my book and I write.

Why does it matter? I ask. He smiles and starts to write again.

Because I want to know you better. He writes. I chuckle and roll my eyes a bit.

No you don't. I write and as he reads I grab my things and stand up as the bell goes. We share a smile and I go to my biology class.

As I walk in I get confused, the lights are turned off and there is a screen over the board. The others in the class arrive and are just as confused. Someone turns on the lights and we sit down.

"Sorry guys, your teacher is ill, just a documentary today. You can also work from your books, I am next door if you need me." A teacher says as she sets up the documentary. She turns off half of the lights and rushes back out. I just sit with the people watching the documentary as they are quietest and read. I've already learned this topic anyway.

As I read there is an odd feeling on my hand. I see a notebook being pressed against it. I look up and see James, I smile and shake my head as I read the note.

How do you know what I want and don't want? He asks. I sigh and take his pen.

Because no one wants to know me. I say and when he looks up at me once he reads my note I shrug.

Well I do. He says, I look at him and it's his time to shrug. Before I reply the bell goes and he quickly rips off a corner of the paper we have been writing on. He puts it in my bag as he leaves. After packing my bag I pull out the paper and see his number on it. I shrug and add him to my phone.

When I get home I feed my cat and as I lean on my kitchen counter I play with my phone. I bend down and stroke my cat's black fur as she eats.

"What do you think kitty?" I ask. "Should I text him?" I add. She meows and I take a deep breath. I stand back up and start typing.

So confident already you just gave me your number without asking me if I wanted it. I text. I soon get a reply.

Well, you have texted me. He says. I roll my eyes as I can almost hear him chuckle.

Whatever James. Anyway, what has you so interested in me? I ask.

I honestly don't know. You're different. He says. Do you want to get some pizza? I'm hungry and there's nothing in my house. Might as well have some company. He asks. I frown slightly and sigh.

I don't really leave my house... I write.

Great, pizza at your place on me. I'm at the pizza place now, what do you want? He asks. I gasp lightly and roll my eyes. My cat looks up at me and I sigh.

Plain, and I have a cat so be warned. I write and send him my address. It's just pizza.

I clean the little amount of mess and soon enough there is a knock at my door. I take a deep breath and open it. James walks in straight away with two boxes of pizza and opens them, letting out the steam.

"One plain pizza." He says, showing me mine. I nod and pull a slice out of my pizza while James wolfs down a slice of a meat feast. My cat instantly jumps on the sofa next to him and with his free hand He strokes her.

"What's its name?" He asks.

"She doesn't have one. I couldn't think of one." I say quietly.

"So you can talk." James says with a big smile. I roll my eyes and sit with him on my sofa, getting more comfortable with him.

"So, do you live alone?" He asks. I nod and luckily he moves on, not prying. I'm glad but I hope he did not sense my nervousness around the topic.

Once the pizza is finished and violently shoved into my bin James and my cat have bonded well. It makes me smile, when I rescued her as a kitten she was so shy.

"I don't think someone wants me to go." He says as he picks up my little fluff ball. I laugh and rub her head as James cradles her.

"Yeah..." I say.

"Hailey?" James asks.

"Yeah?" I ask as I lightly play with her ears.

"Why are you so quiet?" he asks.

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