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Watching Hailey get so uncomfortable makes my confidence waver. I must have misread the situation, she obviously doesn't trust me enough yet.

"N-no reason." She stutters. I sigh and take a deep breath.

"Ok Hailey." I say. "See you around, text me if you need anything." I say as I take a step towards the door. She folds her arms and looks down as she nods. With another sigh I grab my phone and leave. I go back to my place and lay in my bed. I hope she doesn't hate me now.

The next day she is not in school, nor the day after. My curiosity increases along with my concern. Girls like Hailey are so rare nowadays, unspoiled and kind. She also reminds me of my sister. So in that way I feel protective of her, I couldn't protect my sister but I can protect Hailey. Well, I could, if I got to know her.

When on Monday Hailey does not come in I skip school after the first lesson and drive to her place. It takes her a while to answer the door but when she does she looks tired and confused. She looks at me in shock.

"What are you doing here?" She asks under her breath as she looks down.

"I came to check on you, you've missed a lot of school." I say. She pulls her phone out and her eyes widen.

"It only felt like a day." She whispers to herself.

"What's going on?" I ask. She frowns and sighs.

"Nothing. I'll be in school tomorrow." She says and starts to close the door. I put my foot in the way and she sighs. "Move your foot James." She says tiredly.

"Only if you tell me what is going on with you. You need to trust me or I will tell Ms Sage." I say.

"She already knows in a way. Anyway, what makes you think that I can trust you? We hardly know each other." She says.

"Please Hailey. What's the worst that could happen?" I ask.

"Well, you could tell everyone. Blackmail me. Help them." She spits. I sigh and frown, ignoring the part of me that is surprised she can talk this much.

"Hailey, I promise I won't. You can have some dirt on me if you want." I compromise. I watch her as she thinks. She turns slightly and grabs a notebook and pencil. She writes on the paper, rips it out and folds it. She puts it in my jacket pocket and closes the door. I hear the locks click and I unfold the paper as I walk back out.

Sorry James, I can't. It reads.

When I get back to my place I don't bother texting her or anyone really. I just lay there and think. What happened Hailey?

The next day in school I watch as Hailey walks out of Ms Sage's office. We make slight eye contact until she looks away. She ignores me every time we see each other really. At lunch she does sit where she always does. I get an idea and I rip the guitar off of my friend josh. I stand on the table and start playing loudly. Thanks to my babysitting my mother's friend's children I know the Barney and friends theme song by heart. As I sing and play I see Hailey watch me and chuckle lightly.

When I have finished the most embarrassing minute of my life I pass the guitar back to an astonished Josh and I jump off the table. As everyone is busy sending the videos around I sit with Hailey and smile.

"There my reputation is tarnished, you can use those now infamous videos to blackmail me and I swear I won't help anyone do anything bad. Please will you tell me?" I ask as I catch my breath. Hailey chuckles and shakes her head in disbelief.

"Only if that dirt on you is still on offer as well." She says. I smile and we shake hands. I hope that was worth it.

Healing HaileyWhere stories live. Discover now