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"So, that is two chocolate croissants, a black coffee and a latte." I say, putting the tray on the couple's table. They give me the small nods and I put the food down. "Enjoy." I say, taking the hot plastic tray and walking back inside the café.

It has almost been six months since I left. Part of me wants to go back, I know why. I miss James. He made me feel so safe and comfortable. I still smile at the remembrance of his song outburst one lunch, and the time he showed me his favourite place, especially when he first kissed me.

I sigh and tighten my apron. I scan my tables and check the time. He should be there any minute. I go to the back and slide through the back door. I move the metal bin to the wall and turn it over. I put one foot on and steady myself, I stand up on the bin and hold onto the top of the wall, not caring that I am getting dirty.

Right on cue the van pulls up at the back of the bakery next door and he comes out of the front of the van. The officer follows and helps unload the van full of pastries. I watch intently as he wipes his brow and carries the boxes into the back of the shop.

"Hailey, get back in here!" Bruno, the manager says.

"Yes, sorry." I say, getting down and washing my hands. I walk back out and see the couple I served earlier have already finished.

"Is that all?" I ask, putting the empty dishes on a tray.

"Just the bill." The man says. I nod and put the tray away. I give them the bill and serve the other customers.

My shift ends soon, but sadly when I look over the wall on my way out he is not there anymore. I sigh and go to my apartment. I walk in and yawn. I feed the cat and frown as I lay in bed. I really need a good night sleep, usually my cat provides adequate comfort but since James it does not suffice anymore.

I hear a weird scratching sound and I look to the side of my bed where my cat is messing with a folded piece of paper. I frown and take it, unfolding it. It is James' letter to me. I sigh. I miss him, but I can't go back now. Eventually though, I do go to sleep.

I go to the café the next noon for my afternoon shift and I rush, it is always so busy this time of day.

"Excuse me, you forgot my tea." A woman says with a disgusted tone. I take a deep breath.

"I'll get it for you now." I say and rush back to the counter and quickly make her very specific tea order. I give it to her and check the time. He should be here. I look at the back door and start walking.

"Table for one." A man says.

"I don't think we have the space." I say, not stopping to look at him or even acknowledge him. I walk to the back and get the bin and flip it over again. I jump up and see the van pulling into the back alley but I lose my balance and begin to fall.

"Careful." A voice says as hands catch my fall. I look up and see James. I make odd sounds as I am baffled. I stand up and frown in confusion.

"James?" I ask.

"Yeah..." he trails off. "So, you doing parkour now?" he asks. I shake my head no slowly, still in shock.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I graduated and found you. I left my mum and Harry the day you left, I was staying with Josh for a while. I couldn't stand what they did to me, to us. After ready letter part three I knew I had to find you." He says. I run my hand through my hair.

"How did you find me?" I ask.

"I have a vet friend, traced the cats chip. I didn't think you could leave her." He shrugs. I nod slowly.

"So, you and Harry?" I ask.

"We have a mutual disgust for each other after I ruined his relationship with my mum." He says with an evil smile. I chuckle lightly.

"You did that, for me?" I ask.

"99%, the rest was for fun." He says. I smile and hug him.

"I missed you." I say, breathing in his cologne and feeling instantly comforted. I feel him smile and he squeezes me lightly.

"I missed you too." He says and breaks the hug. "So, what were you doing?" he asks, pointing to the wall. I smile and grab a large plant pot. I flip it over and carefully get on the bin.

"I'll show you." I say. He nods and stands on the plant pot.

"The man carrying the box by the van is my dad. He has been a model inmate according to his lawyer so they have given him a job as a porter. It will give him a shorter sentence possibly. I watch him every day so I get to see him, to make sure he is ok." I explain.

"Why don't you go over and talk to him?" James asks.

"Well, I would only be allowed if I was staff there. And I am scared." I say quietly.

"Why? He is your dad. I would have thought you would run over." He says.

"I want to." I say. "But what if he blames me? We both know how much I blame myself, maybe he does as well." I say.

"If he is anything like you, he will love you no matter what." He says. I smile a little and I watch as my dad gets in the van and drives away. I sigh.

"Well, I don't work there, I wouldn't be allowed to see him." I say. James and I get off and hug once more.

"We'll sort that out I'm sure." He says. I smile and nod.

"We?" I ask. "Where are you staying?" I ask. James stays silent.

"Well, I graduated two days ago. I spent yesterday and today finding and coming to you. I did not think that far ahead." He blushes. I smile.

"Well, I am going to quit this awful job and you can reunite with the cat, she misses you." I say.

"That cat is the main reason I missed you and your job does not seem that bad." James says and looks at the café through the back door. I hit him lightly.

"I have to talk to people. Have you really forgotten me that much?" I ask. He laughs and I tell Bruno I'm done and we walk out. Now I just need my dad and I will have the perfect life. Hopefully.

Healing HaileyWhere stories live. Discover now