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I am glad that I asked James to stay the night, I really needed good sleep. The only downside is that he had to leave the next morning. Luckily I will see him at school.

I get ready quickly and text James that I will wait for him by the car park. Usually he does not take this long and I start to get worried and slightly overthink. Luckily I recognise him arrive, but he is on a motorbike. I look at him with a very confused face. He takes off his helmet, shakes out his hair and walks over to me.

"When did you get that?" I ask.

"This morning." He sighs.

"Why are you sad?" I ask. He gives me a strange look. "Did he give it to you?" I ask.

"Yeah." James says. "My mum always hated my car, expressed her feelings to lover boy and they trashed my car and got me this. I had no choice if I wanted to be on time." He says. "Sorry." He adds.

"No, it's ok." I say. "It's a cool bike, don't let him ruin anything." I say with a deep breath. James smiles and gently kisses me.

"Let's go." He says as he rests his arm on my shoulder as we walk into the building.

Most of the day I stand by as everyone asks James about his new sports bike. Yes, I absolutely detest the damned thing, and I have no doubt that it was bought with dirty money, but James seems to like it, and I want him to be happy.

At lunch we are allowed to eat outside as the lunch halls air conditioning is broken and it would be too hot. I slowly eat my lunch sitting under a tree, reading, while James shows off his new bike to the good sized crowd around him. He does occasionally look at me but he just smiles and keeps talking.

I thought that after lunch it would be easier as I have no classes with James. As much as I enjoy his company I want to graduate early, no, I need to graduate early. Especially now that he is here. I want to learn.

My luck does not work that way. News here spreads like wild fire, and by now everyone knows about James and I. So of course, I get all the same questions James gets.

"Quiet everyone." The teacher says as a note is given to her. "Hailey, you need to see Ms Sage." She says. The class stares at me as I collect my things and leave. As I walk down the hall I pass James' class and I see him gesturing things about his new bike. I sigh and enter Ms Sage's office.

"Hailey, I'm happy to see you." She says. I nod and smile as I sit down. "I wanted to give you some good news, but first, how are you feeling?" She asks.

"Okay I guess. No offence but I just want this over with." I say. She smiles and looks at the papers on her desk. As she checks something on her computer I look at the walls, it is covered with pictures of adults that are not allowed to be on school premises, it unsettles me but I soon shake it off. Until I get an idea.

"Ms?" I ask.

"Yes?" She replies.

"How would I get someone put on that list?" I ask as I point to the list of people on the wall.

"There are a few ways. Why?" She asks.

"The man you know about, I have seen him recently. I just want to make sure he does not come here." I say. She gives me a sympathetic smile and starts typing at her computer. Something is printed and cut and I see his profile stuck to the top of the list.

"Now, back to you." She says with a smile.

"Yeah." I say with a deep breath.

"Well, you are doing well. No trouble." She says.

"Well, I don't have a devious reputation." I say with a light shrug.

"True." Ms Sage says.

"So, what is the good news?" I ask.

"Ah yes." She says chirpily as she sits properly by her desk. "You are doing very well, I have asked the teachers and my superior and you will be eligible to graduate by next month." She smiles. I sit up straight.

"Are you serious?" I ask. She nods happily as the end of school bell goes. We share a hug and I am allowed to leave so I go straight home and I count the money I have saved. I check my dream apartment and I squeal, my plan is working.

Healing HaileyWhere stories live. Discover now