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I didn't see Hailey after school, I wanted to give her a ride to her place. I admit that it would have been difficult seeing her as there were a lot of people asking me about the bike. Once most of the crowd had dispersed I decided that she had already left so I went back to my place. As I park I watch harry come out of the house.

"So, do you like it?" He asks as he puts his hand on a handle.

"Yeah, thanks." I say. "You didn't have to, my car was fine." I add. He shrugs and runs his hand through his hair.

"Does Hailey like it?" He asks, ignoring my comment.

"Why?" I ask. He shrugs again.

"Come for a drive with me?" Harry asks. I frown. I am meant to be nice, for my mum and Hailey, but I'm not sure if I can stand him for an extended amount of time. I sigh lightly.

"Ok, but I have homework, not for too long." I say, compromising with myself.

"Ok." He says, getting his keys from his pocket and unlocking his nearby BMW. He gets in the driver's seat and I get in the passenger's side, throwing my bag in the back.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he pulls out of the driveway.

"I'll explain when we are there." He says. I frown but nod. The car stays silent for a while, I just stare out of the window. Harry is the first person to talk when we get on the motorway. "How much has Hailey told you about me?" He asks.

"Nothing really." I lie.

"Well, we were together for a while a while ago." He says.

"Oh." I say.

"Yeah, we grew close after her father was sent to prison." He explains. "I was close to him as well so we comforted each other." He says.

"How did you know her dad?" I ask, wondering if he will tell the truth.

"We were business partners of a sort." He says. I bite my tongue. "After the trial I was her guardian. As her father's business partner I took over. I was not used to being in charge of so much so I was stressed, took out stress on her." He says.

"Did you hurt her?" I growl in anger.

"Mentally probably, physically, no." He says. I frown, knowing he is lying. I look back out the window and sigh.

"The business was in trouble and I was put in prison for a while too, Hailey left, she moved on. Ended up here." He says.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask.

"I want us to be friends." He says. I look away and frown. How on earth does he expect us to be friends now?

"Why would you tell me that you mistreated my girlfriend if you want us to be friends?" I ask.

"Because Hailey is my past, if I want you to be my friend I should tell you my past." He says as he pulls over.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"We are where Hailey and I used to live. I'm selling it and I know she doesn't like me so I wanted to take you, so you can take some things you think she will want to keep. I have boxes in the back if we need them." He says. I bite my lip and nod, I guess he cares a little bit about her.

Harry opens the door and takes me to Hailey's room. I open the window and harry leaves me alone, packing some of his own stuff. I get a box and fill it with her books, knowing she likes to read. There is little that I think she would want. I pack the pictures of her and her dad, knowing that she loves him. I do spend a while in her old room, acquainting myself with her old self.

"Got everything?" Harry asks. I nod and I carry the box downstairs. I put the box in the back and we get back in the car.

The ride back is silent other than the occasional trivial question. Harry does not seem all that bad. To be honest he seems quite nice. But knowing what Hailey said, I still don't like him.

Once home my mum awes at us and she says how lovely she finds it that we are bonding, Harry seems to notice my un-comfort and he lets me go, reminding me of my homework. I smile at him as I go to my room.

It is not long after that I hear an odd voice. Then I hear Harry's voice but angry. I instantly go to the source of the noise.

"What's going on?" I ask my frightened mother.

"He is one of my old regulars." He says quietly. He must be here, upset that my mum is not working anymore.

"Get out dude, find someone else." I tell the obviously high man.

"No. I want her." He mumbles.

"Get out, or be forced out." Harry says sternly.

"What are you going to do?" The man spits. Harry slams the high man against the wall, my mum screams, this makes harry lose focus so the man runs towards my mother. I tackle the man to the ground and punch him in the jaw. That should make him shut up. He manages to punch back, hitting my left eyebrow. My mum calls my name, scared at the blood forming. Harry takes over and manages to get the man out. He flips us off and walks away.

"That will give you a black eye." Harry says, examining my eye. I shrug and my mum gives me a hug.

"Thanks." I tell Harry. He nods and I get some ice and go back to my room. I rest the ice on my eye and slowly fall asleep.

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