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James and I stay there for a while. I lean on his shoulder, resting my head and watching the trees. The exhaustion from the day makes me slowly fall asleep on James's shoulder.

Sleeping has not been a very positive thing for me for the past few years. Whether it is because of nightmares or not being able to sleep, sometimes even sleep paralysis I never enjoyed sleeping. Even if none of those things happened the quality of sleep was never good.

That's why when I woke up on James's shoulder I woke up with a smile. I felt so safe I actually slept well. I rub my eyes as I sit up and I smile at the sight of the lowering sun.

"Hey." James says tiredly. I look over and see him stretching too. I smile.

"Hey." I say and he smiles at me.

"Want to get something to eat?" He asks. "I'm starving." He adds.

"Definitely, I haven't eaten yet." I say, now awake enough to feel the ache of hunger in my stomach. He nods and we slowly climb down the ladder and walk to the car. James holds my hand as we walk, making me somehow even more comfortable around him.

We pick up some pizza and go to my place, I get the sense that James does not like his place so I don't mind, I wouldn't mind either way. We eat and watch TV while stroking the cat, she really does like James. It makes me happy.

"Thank you." I say as adverts start to play.

"For what?" He asks as she finishes his pizza.

"Restoring my faith in humanity." I say, giving him a small smile. He laughs and puts our pizza boxes to the side.

"This world has been crap to you Hails. I care about you, I don't want to hurt you." He says, his words making me blush. He puts his hand in my hair and smiles until his phone buzzes.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"My mum." He says as he starts tapping.

"Oh." I say, getting concerned.

"Don't worry, she just wants me to meet her new boyfriend." James says, rolling his eyes.

"I take it this happens a lot then." I say, analysing his reaction.

"Yeah, she says that she actually likes this one." He says, shaking his head. "It doesn't matter that much, I just have to sit there and try not to sleep, they are always so boring." He says as he cringes.

"I'm sure it's not that bad." I say. He instantly scoffs.

"You sure?" he asks. "Want to come with me? Maybe you'll actually give me a reason not to walk out." He says with a light chuckle.

"Fine." I say with a shrug. "When?" I ask.

"Tomorrow evening. Her new man is taking us out for dinner." He says.

"Ok." I agree. He holds out his pinkie and I hook mine on his while giggling lightly. He lets go and moves his hand to my hair.

"Hailey?" he asks.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Can I kiss you?" he asks, inching forwards. A blush creeps to my cheeks as I slowly nod. Gently, he kisses me. He keeps it sweet and not too long. I also put a hand in his hair, it is surprisingly soft.

"Wow." I whisper. I see him smile.

"So, when I meet my mum's boyfriend, will she be meeting my girlfriend?" James asks. My cat meows from the floor and seems to nod almost. James and I laugh.

"Yes." I say. James smiles and kisses me again until his phone buzzes.

"I have to go, I'm sorry." He says. I sigh and nod as I stand with him.

"Ok, see you tomorrow." I say as I open my door. He kisses me and steps out.

"See you tomorrow." He says with a smile and walks out. I close my door and I pick up my cat with a smile that hurts my cheeks.

"That went well, didn't it kitty." I say. She meows and we lay in bed. I can't believe it, I actually found someone, someone who really cares.

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