Chapter 1

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April's POV

School. The literal definition of hell. Why do we even have to learn about this shit?! When in life am I going to need to know what the square root of twenty-five is? The good thing was math is my last subject before I can finally go home. The only beneficial thing about this class was that I get to sit next to Harvey and August, my best friends. I looked over at them, Harvey was taking notes and August was doodling on her paper. I sighed quietly and turned my attention back to the board, trying to stay focused. Thank god today was the last day before winter break.

I looked up at the clock and saw we only had a few more minutes left until the bell dismissed us. Maybe I could walk home with Harvey today. I looked to my left and saw him grabbing his binders and his books. The rest of the class was packing up while the teacher, Mr. Warga, was yelling at them since there were still a few minutes left. I grabbed my stuff and stood next to Harvey.

"You wanna walk home with me today?" I asked quietly. Even though the teacher was still trying to get the students to continue their work and wasn't even paying attention to us in the back, I didn't want to make too much noise.

"Sure!" Harvey said and I could see a smile forming on his lips. Man, he is cute! I'll admit I have a small crush on him, but it's nothing but a little high-school crush. I smiled back at him and turned to ask August the same question, but she was already standing next to someone in a deep conversation. Oh man, did this mean I would have to be with Harvey the entire walk home?! Alone too! The bell of freedom finally rang and we all rushed out the door. It was a Friday so everyone was screaming. I got all my books that I had to do for homework and waited outside for Harvey to come out. I saw couples pass me and I will admit, it made me a little jealous. But I didn't think about it for too long since Harvey rounded the corner and walked up to me with that cute smile of his.

"Are ya ready?" He asked. I tried saying something, but he just made me so nervous so I went with nodding with a smile. He linked our arms together and started walking to the front doors. We were almost to the sidewalk when we heard someone walk up behind us. Oh god, it's Britney. I'm almost a hundred percent sure everyone hates her, but they don't say that to her face. 

"Harvey?! Is that you?! Oh my! It is! Guys look, Harvey's now dating this bitch!" Britney said, pointing at us and talking very loudly, which drew a lot of attention over to us. I could feel my cheeks heat up and looked over at Harvey, who basically had steam coming out of his ears.

"She's not a bitch, and we're not dating Britney!" He said defending me. Britney smirked, obviously planning to come up with some comeback, but I had enough.

"Let's just go," I said so only Harvey could hear. He took my hand and led us out of the circle that has formed around us. We start heading home when we saw that house that was for sale, has been sold to someone.

"I wonder who is going to move into that house right across from here," he said. I nodded my head in agreement. I was curious too. Maybe we could go and visit them when they move in.

"Hopefully they're nice," I said, absentmindedly playing with the buttons on my school uniform. Next thing I know a moving van starts to pull up in front of the house and two people start to get out. Harvey, being the sweet guy he is, went over to introduce himself to them. When I started to head over to also say hello, I noticed the sky started to get really dark.

"I think it's going to rain," I say to Harvey. He starts to walk over after he says goodbye to them, even though he doesn't even know their name, and gives me his jacket right as it starts raining. We both run inside while I go get a umbrella to go give to the two people still outside unpacking their moving truck. I head into the living room to get a head start on my homework, good thing I only have to do ELA and social studies. I start to hear footsteps behind me.

"Want some hot chocolate?" Harvey says as he walks in the room to turn on the fireplace.

"Yes please, hopefully that will help me focus on my homework," I say, feeling very tired.

"You want me to help? You look really tired," He said with that cute smile. I didn't even answer, I just closed my eyes right then, wanting to get sleep. I heard him get up and then I felt a soothing warmth around me. But then I heard some footsteps. Did he leave the room?

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