Chapter 6

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Harveys POV

I felt so bad that April fainted, I'm certain I scared her. She stills wants to go the gym, even though she fainted little over than an hour ago. I tried to talk her out of this, but she was dead set on going. I didn't want to be a stick in the mud, so I let her go, but told her to not work herself too hard.

I noticed August and Aubrey over in the elliptical section, working hard. I smiled at them and went to wave them over, but then I saw how heartbroken August looked. It shocked me since she usually had a resting bitch face. I got Jake's attention and pointed in their direction, hoping he would know what I mean. He dropped his weights off in the stand that held them and then walked over to them. I did the same and shyly followed behind him as we made our way over to the ellipticals.

"August, what's wrong?" Jake asked and crouched next to her since she was now sitting on a bench near by. She just shook her head and looked down at her feet. I noticed Aubrey standing next to her, trying to keep a straight face as she watched her best friend cry.

"You have to tell us what's wrong," Jake tried again. I could tell this wasn't going anywhere, so I turned to Aubrey.

    "Aubrey, what's going on?" I asked and that caused her gaze to turn to me. She sighed a little and looked down at August.

    "So apparently, Ger-" Aubrey started but was immediately cut off by August.

"Fucking Gerard Way is releasing new music and I'm not ready nor okay!" August said loudly enough to attract the attention of some people passing by. I flashed them a smile and turn back to the group.

"Is that really the reason?" Jake asked in disbelief. August shook her head and went silent again. Why can't she tell us? Was it really bad? I looked over at Aubrey again and she looked a little sad.

"August asked-" Aubrey started but once again, she was cut off by August.

"No! Don't tell them! I don't want them to know!" August said, and again attracted the attention of some people. I took Aubrey's and August's hands and led them outside so we could talk in peace. Jake followed after us and sat down on a bench. Lazy.

"They have a right to know," as Aubrey said that, August whimpered in shame, but it didn't affect Aubrey, "August asked someone out and they rejected her. Now, she believes that they're going to tell the school and start rumors about her. Even though that isn't true."

"Who was this person?" I asked, maybe I knew them.

"I can't tell you! You're going to talk to them about me and I don't want you to! Just drop it!" August angrily shouted at me.

"August, you need to talk about it!" Aubrey was clearly getting more upset with everything August was saying.

"I don't want to! If I tell them then they'll leave and then everyone will and I'll be alone and no one will love me!" I saw a tear escape August's eye and I sat her down next to Jake on the bench. She brought her knees to her chest and hugged them tightly.

"You dick, people will still love you!" Aubrey shouted. I was thankful no one was around to witness this, since the girls kept shouting very loudly at each other. But they needed to let their anger out, so I didn't tell them to be quiet.

"No they won't!"

"Yes they will!"




"Yes! People will still love you! I love you, you dick! I love you more than a friend!" Aubrey shouted. I heard Jake gasp loudly and we made eye contact, with an "oh shit" face. I heard the door slam and saw that Aubrey wasn't standing next to me anymore. Oh.

I sat down next to August and let her cry against my shoulder. What. The. Fuck.

April's POV

I've been working out for almost an hour. I think I might see if we can head home. I get off the treadmill and go to the weights to find, nobody there? Where did Harvey and Jake go? I look around the whole place and then see Aubrey storming in with a tear falling down her face. I run over to her, to ask what's wrong.

"Hey Aubrey? Whats wrong?" I ask, a little unsure. It looks as if someone or something is holding her back from speaking. She starts to run off but then trips over Harvey coming in from outside? Why was he outside? Next thing I know I see August with her head on Harvey's shoulder crying. I run up to them and grab August out of there and run to the other side of the gym. She stumbles behind me but keeps running with me.

"What the literal fuck happened!" I yelled at her. She told me everything that happened and she starts to hug me. Aubrey already left in her car without August so we all just squeezed into Harvey's car like clowns. It was me, Harvey, Jake, June, Jan, and August. Harvey drove, Jake sat next to him, Jan and June sat behind them, and me and August sat in the back.

"You're going to talk to Aubrey when we get home, okay?" Jake said, finally breaking the awkward silence. I looked over at August, she wasn't even looking at us. I sighed and told Jake to forget about it. We sat in silence for the rest of the ride. I finally broke the silence when we dropped Jan off.

"Bye Jan, see you at school." I say waving goodbye and smiling. She walked to her door and we watched until we made sure she was safe and sound inside.

"But doesn't she go to Tulip High?" Harvey says with a questioned look as he drives to August's house.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. While you guys were doing what you guys do, June and I convinced Jan to move to Sacred Lotus High!" I say with joy. After that we went back to awkward silence. We got to August's house and she didn't say anything she just hugged me and left. I feel so bad for her. She doesn't have to be embarrassed because she likes girls. But enough about that, I hate that we have to go back to school in two days...

"See you guys later!" Both June and Jake say. They walk out and up to the door. They don't go inside for a minute. Why does June look so happy? I'll ask her later.

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