Chapter 3

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April's POV

    I woke up to the noise of footsteps. I went downstairs to see Harvey getting some water. He didn't notice me at first, but he looked freaked out about something.

    "Hey you ok?" I ask. He turns around with bags under his eyes, looking very sleepy.

    "Yea just had a bad dream that's all," he said with that cute smile of his. I wonder what his dream was about? He usually never has bad dreams about anything. I nodded my head then watched him go back to his room. I decided to stay up for a little bit just to watch some Fuller House on Netflix. A couple hours pass and the sun starts to come up, so I decided to go and get some hot chocolate and go outside to watch the sunrise.

    "It's so beautiful," I say outloud to myself staring into the distance.

    "It is, but not as beautiful as a rose. How are you, rose?" I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn around and see Harvey standing there with a smirk on his face as he too, stared into the distance. I sighed and looked back at it. I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head? Wait, did he want me to respond to that? We continued watching the sunrise until I remembered the new neighbors down the street.

    I get up and go to my room to get ready to go meet the people across the street. I start to put on my makeup when the doorbell rings. I finish putting on my makeup, good thing I was almost done anyway, and head out to see who was there. I open the door to see the two people that was moving in the other day.

    "H-Hello, you gave us this umbrella yesterday and we just came to return it," The guy said, sounding nervous.

    "Oh no. Keep it, we have plenty. But, we were just about to come over to introduce ourselves, why don't you come in?" I say trying to be nice. I open the door a little more and step aside more to let them in. They slowly walked in and went to remove their jackets. We all sit down on the couch and start talking.

    "So we are from Vero Beach, Florida, and we just moved here because of some things that happened during school last year," the girl started to say when Harvey spoke up.

    "Sorry, we never introduced ourselves, I'm Harvey and this is April," He said in a cute voice waiting for their names.

    "Well I'm June," the girl- June- said. "And I'm Jake," the male said. We kept talking and turns out we are a lot alike. Soon, a couple hours pass and June and Jake go home, but before,  we exchanged numbers and promised to meet up with them.

    A few hours past and I decided to ask August and Aubrey to meet me for some lunch later. They both agreed and we arranged to meet at a nice diner at around two. I left Harvey in the living room and went to finish straightening my hair.

    When I was finally done, I tried to find Harvey to tell him my plans. I walked into his room and saw him on the phone with someone. I knocked quietly and he turned to me, holding up a finger. I sighed quietly and waited in the doorway. I heard some of the conversation but I didn't want to eavesdrop. Okay, I did want to eavesdrop.

    "Dude, I'm not telling her! Its personal so drop it!" I heard Harvey say in a whisper-yell. Who is this 'she'? Who was he talking about?! I heard someone yell back at him through the phone. They were clearly mad at Harvey.

    "No!..I gotta go!..Yes I do!..Screw you!..Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow...Yeah, man, I love you too...Eww thats gay...Okay... bye." Harvey said and with a sigh, he hung up. I coughed quietly, trying to get him to face me again. It worked and he turned in my direction, forcing a smile.

"I'm going out with the girls. Just thought I'd let you know before I left," I said awkwardly. He knew I heard his conversation, but I didn't want to bring it up. He nodded his head and walked over to his bed.

"Okay, be careful. I'll see you when you get home. Movie night?" He asked quickly, as if he was embarrassed. I chuckled at the question and nodded.

"Of course, see you when I get home." I said with a smile and headed to the front door.

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