Chapter 8

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April's POV

    When I saw Harvey leave the house after shrieking, I instantly woke up. It was a little dark in here, so I turned one of the lights on. I looked out of the window and see Harvey coming back towards the house with Aubrey in his arms. What?

We got Aubrey on the sofa and tried to cheer her up. It was a little difficult since we have never dealt with this type of thing and August wasn't answering. We finally got Aubrey to talk and she told us why she was out so late at night. We said we would help her find August and bring her home safely. Which is a huge possibility.

I drove Aubrey to her place to get her car while Harvey started looking. Harvey was going to take downtown, I was going to take down by the mall and smaller shops, and Aubrey was going to search the park. I kept searching until I saw the sun rising over the top of some trees. I had stopped at a store to get some coffee and told the others to do the same when they got time for a break.

Not too soon after the sun rose, I got a text. Harvey, Aubrey and I all started a group-chat so we could let each other know what's happening.


I found her. I'm taking her to my house.


Thank god! Let us know if you need anything


That's amazing! We're always here to help.

    I was really happy that April was safe and sound, but I really just wanted to sleep. I was up late last night working on homework and only slept for about five hours. It's stupid our teacher gave us some homework over break and I bet half the kids weren't even doing it. I needed to do it since my grade  isn't so hot.          

I told Harvey I'd meet him at the house and drove home as quick as I could without breaking the limit. I dropped my keys off in the bowl we have by the door and kicked my shoes off. Sleep here I come. I trudged through the house and up the stairs, thankfully not knocking anything over. I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going, but I was used to this house by now and it's gotten easier to walk around in the dark without hitting anything.

I knew Harvey would want to talk to me so I just locked myself in my room the second I got in there. I didn't want to be rude, but I really wanted to sleep. I haven't gotten a good night sleep in a while, plus Harvey woke me up when I was just getting comfortable earlier.

I looked down and noticed how messy my room and bed were. I should have probably cleaned up after I went downstairs. I pushed the mess off my bed and laid down. I suddenly didn't feel very tired, but I had the strong urge to sleep. It was weird, but happening. I stared up at my ceiling and tried counting all the way to a hundred and back, but it didn't work.

Frustrated, I sat up and turn the bedside lamp on. The room was now bathed in a dark yellow glow. I heard some commotion outside my door that almost made me jump out of my bed. I looked out the window in-case there was someone here, like Harvey's friends or a murderer. I didn't see any cars so that leaves me with two options- either it's Harvey being a klutz or there's a murderer in the house that's coming to kill me.

I knew it probably wasn't the latter since we were in a safe neighborhood, but there is always that chance. I removed the blankets that were wrapped around my legs and threw them to the foot of the bed. I slowly got up from my sitting position and made my way to the door. I turned the knob, trying not to make any noise, and opened the door a tiny bit. I poked my head out and looked around. The house was still dark, most likely because we never turned the lights on when we came home. I could still see there was one light on- the kitchen light.

I knew it was Harvey down there since his door was wide open and the lights were out. He always closed his door, but always kept a light on in case he woke up and wanted to read or something. We've been living together since we started high school, so about two years ago. Before that, though, we've known each other since fifth-grade. It's been a while and I didn't think I had feelings for him until eighth-grade, that's when everyone had a boyfriend, but I was stuck in the single squad with August.

I crept silently down the hallway until the kitchen came into view and I almost started crying. Below me, standing at the foot of the stairs, was Harvey. He was a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and tie loosely hanging from his neck. I brought my hands to my face to try and tried to quiet a gasp. He was also holding a box wrapped in purple paper with a sign that said 'open me'. I felt tears prick my eyes, even though I tried to fight them off. There was a fancy set-up on the table with lights and red roses surrounding it.

"I was gonna do it in the morning, but since you're awake, I can do it now." Harvey said quietly. He placed the box in my hands and waited for me to open it. I slowly unwrapped the red ribbon surrounding it and opened the box. Inside were five roses, all were yellow. I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I brushed them away.

The roses all had pieces of paper taped to them, but each was folded down so I couldn't see what was written there. Harvey reached over the lid of the box and opened the flaps of paper so I could see what it said. The rose are my left said 'P', the next one said 'R', the one after that said 'O', the second to last rose said 'M', with the following rose having a question mark on it.

All together, the roses spelt out "Prom?". I forgot that was coming up! I didn't want to go since I thought no one would ask me, but if Harvey's asking me I'm going! I didn't know what to say, I wanted to say yes but the words didn't come out. I felt more tears sliding down my cheek and Harvey took one of my hands in his.

"So, what do you say?" He asks gently, almost as if he doesn't want to speak above a whisper.

"Y-Yu-Yes." I answered, a little louder than him. He lips turned up into an even bigger smile and he moved the box so we could hug. Prom is going to be amazing.

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