Chapter 7

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Harveys POV

    I drove April and I home after stopping to get some lunch because we had no food in the house. Literally. We have a carton of milk and some apples. That's it. I didn't feel like eating healthy shit so, we stopped at a fast food places. I got lots of fries and April got a salad. Healthy freak.

    We arrived back to our house and I brought our food in because I'm trying to be nicer to April. Some shit happened early and she looks a little shaken up. I set our food down on at the kitchen table and sit down. We only have two chairs at the table since it's only April and I. I could set it up for mine and April's date.

    Oh wait, she hasn't said yes yet. I've already planned the whole date and how I'm possibly going to ask her out. I read about it on Tumblr and honestly, it sounded perfect. I just needed to do it on a day she was free. I didn't want to stress her out with all the drama going on. I asked some other guys with girlfriends at school for some help and I have all of it planned out. I just need the guts to ask her out.

    I imagined her rejecting me and having her fall for one of the popular guys like Dean or Alex. I payed no attention to them but I knew they got any girl they wanted. Everyone, even some teachers, were wrapped around their fingers.

    Before I got myself too worked up over them, I started to eat my fries and go on my phone. I didn't use Instagram or Snapchat that much, but Tumblr was always there. Most of the posts were pictures of shit that didn't make any sense. But hey, it looked interesting. I reblogged one picture as I finished my fries and shut my phone off. I threw away all the garbage that was left from my meal, but I didn't see April anywhere. Maybe she went to eat back in her room or was calling someone.

    I didn't think too much of it as I turned the TV on and scrolled through the channels. I found some old reruns from old Nick shows, but it was almost over anyway. I sighed and decided to watch it anyways. There was nothing for me to do since I cancelled plans with my parents. I closed my eyes for a few seconds then opened them again to watch the show.

    After I kept opening and closing my eyes, I felt myself drift off to a dreamless sleep. I don't even remember the sky changing from a bright sun to a dark moon.

    ~Le time dream skip~

    I woke up on my couch in the dark living room a few hours later. I don't remember when the TV was turned off or a blanket was placed over me. I tried to turn around but I felt a large mass pushed again my front side. I looked down and saw April's head resting against my chest. Oh, she probably had another nightmare.

    When April has nightmares, she usually comes into my room and I allow her to sleep next to me. Which always ends up with her in my lap. But, I'm not complaining. It made it much easier for me to sleep when we were closer together. If she was my girlfriend, which I hope she is soon, then I'll always want her to sleep in my room.

    She smelled really nice, so I guessed she took a shower after the gym 'cause she was a little stinky. Don't tell her I said that. I fixed her position so she was more comfortable and gave her some more of my blanket that she probably put on top of me. After a few minutes she woke up to the sounds of a car honking. She got so scared that she jumped up and scooted closer to me.

    I picked her up and sat her down back on the couch to get up and see what was going on outside. I look outside and see someone sleeping in the middle of the road? Are they trying to kill themselves? I walk a little further and it turns out to be Aubrey?! I let out a little shriek and immediately run to the door. I rip it open and the cool night air pushes against me. I run out into the night and look around the street for any cars coming.

I saw none and run to Aubrey. She was sitting down and hugging her knees. I gently shook her and tried to get her attention, but it was dead set on the road in front of her. I didn't want to just leave her here in the middle of the road, so I picked her up and carried her inside. April was sitting up now, a confused look plastered on her face, which was immediately replaced with a concerned look.

I placed Aubrey down on the sofa, next to April, and crouched down in front of her. She wasn't responding to me. I honestly had no idea what I was supposed to do since this has never happened to me before. I took Aubrey's hands in my own and started rubbing them gently to soothe her. April placed a hand on her back and ran it up and down.

"Call August. She'll know what to do." I ordered April. She got out her phone faster than expected and searched her contacts for August's number. I turned my attention back to Aubrey and saw her shaking her head repeatedly.

"She isn't answering," April said and threw her phone down in anger. I worriedly looked at the phone in case she will call back. The call never came.

"She hasn't been. I was out looking for her. She never came home. What if I killed her?" Aubrey asks quietly, almost like she's afraid to speak the words. I looked at her in concern. 'Killed her'? What does that mean? I went through that sentence again in my head, August isn't home and Aubrey thinks she mostly killed herself. Great.

"What do you mean, Aubrey? How did you kill her?" April asks and takes Aubrey's hands from mine. I scoot away so April can sit in front of her and take a seat on the couch. Aubrey didn't say anything, but more tears fell from her eyes.

"Why don't we go look for her?" I proposed. Both girls looked at me like I had grow an extra head. What was so bad with my idea?

"Come on. We can take our own cars and we will find her, Aubrey. This town isn't that big," I look into Aubrey's eyes, hoping she'll understand what I'm getting at. She nods her head and takes one hand away from April's to wipe some more tears away.

"Now, let's go find August."

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