Chapter 2

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Harvey's POV

Oh god, I'm so awkward. The second April fell asleep on me I just got the flashbacks of me and Britney. Britney and I had been dating for what felt like ever but after she started insulting my friends and just being a straight out bitch, I broke up with her. Surprisingly, for someone who acted like they didn't have a heart, she was heartbroken.

No matter how many times I told her to move on, she kept flirting with me and trying to get me back. I can't stand her sometimes. Because of Britney I've been too afraid to date anyone, even some girls I had a little bit of interest in. But now, I had April and I know she won't be like Britney. They're like polar opposites. I just didn't want to rush things now, though. I was thinking about asking her out after this school year is over, which gave me a few months of planning, since it was only December right now.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked down at April in my arms, she looked cold. I quickly slipped out from underneath her and grabbed a blanket from my room. I put it over top of her and then went into kitchen. I was a little hungry. I got out a bowl and a bag of popcorn, placing it in the microwave. I waited until the two minutes were up then placed the hot kernels in the bowl.

I went to the living room and sat on the chair, which was to the left of the couch April was sleeping on. I grinned at her and turned on the TV, keeping the volume low so it wouldn't wake her up. I turned on Netflix and started scrolling through the movies and TV shows. I finally decided on a show and sat back to enjoy it while I let April sleep.

It felt like hours before April woke up. I helped her with the rest of her homework and then I helped her to her room because she was starting to doze off again. Once she fell asleep I went to my room to finish my homework. I started playing some music quietly so my room wasn't too quiet. By the time I finished, the sky outside was dark and the stars shone through the misty clouds. I lay down in bed and start to doze off, next thing I know I'm in my dreams.

Suddenly, it's two years back and I'm with Britney, is this the day I broke up with her? It is! I remember it all so clearly, the way I was walking showed how nervous I was, I kept biting my nails and I was stopping at my locker to waste time. But soon, lunch came around and I knew I had to do this.

I watched the scene unfold, I broke up with Britney, she started crying and everyone was watching as I turned around and walked back to my locker. This is when April and I started talking more...

Before I could react, I was shown a different scene. I saw April next to me as we walked outside to go to 'our' tree that we normally sit at. As we were walking along the sidewalk, we saw three people at our tree. I couldn't tell who they were, but judging from the two girls and one guy I didn't recognize, I knew I didn't know them. We slowly walked up to them and they noticed us. One had brown hair with purple tips. The girl next to her had dark brown hair with some lighter strands. The guy had brown hair that covered the top part of his eyes.

"Hey," I greeted with a small smile. "Mind if we join you?"

"Uhh- no, no. Go right ahead. We were just talking about music," the only guy in their group said, taking one earbud out of his ear. I took April's arm and sat down, pulling her with me. The other three formed a circle so we were all facing each other. This is when we met August, Aubrey, and Dimitri! I remember this!

The scene faded away and was replaced with a new one. I was in the back of the class, hearing names called out. Oh shit. This is when we were getting assigned partners for a science project. I was paired with Britney!

"Sam and Gabriel. You are partners. April and Dimitri. You are partners. August and Aubrey. You are partners." Mr. Pearson said, listing all the partners. I saw myself tapping my foot on the ground. I remember how nervous I was. I knew I was gonna partnered with Britney.             

"Alex and Jack. You are partners. And that leaves us with Harvey and Britney. You two will be partners." Mr. Pearson said and everyone got up to join their partner at a table. Slowly, I got up to join Britney at an empty table. She looked up from the packet that was handed out and smiled that evil little smile.

"Hey honey boo bear. How are you?" Britney said, battering her long lashes at me. I slightly cringed from the nickname. I sat down in the chair next to her and tried grabbing the packet from her hands. She quickly held the packet above her head and shook a finger in my face.

"No, no. I need a kiss before you can look," Britney said with a smirk and removed the finger from my face so she could move closer. Oh hell no! As she kept getting closer, I was backing up as far as I could go in my seat, until I fell off.

I sat up quickly. What kind of dream was that?! I felt my shirt and pants sticking to my skin because of my sweat. I tried calming myself. I could hear how fast I was breathing. Oh god that dream was worse than all my childhood nightmares combined. I shook my head and tried getting some hair out of my face before getting up to get some water.

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