Chapter 4

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Harvey's POV

    I must've fallen asleep because one second I'm staring at the ceiling, thinking of what to do, then the next thing I know April is shaking me awake. It took me a minute to remember what was happening, but soon I sit up look into April's gorgeous eyes. I swear I could stare at them for hours. She looked at me a little confused and I guess she caught me staring at her like that.

    "S-Sorry, I'm just tired?" I stated but it came out sounding like a question. April just nodded and got off of my bed. I threw my blankets off and stood up next to her, cracking my back and neck in the process. I sighed in content and watched April walk to my door.

    "I have a perfect movie picked out for us," she said and left the room with a smirk. Oh no. The last time she said that I had to watch all the Twilight movies. I still get nightmares about that. Luckily when I walked out  there I didn't see any signs that suggested we were watching Twilight. I sighed in relief and plopped down on the sofa, waiting for April. I could hear her in the kitchen so that meant she was doing something for us. Ooh is she making popcorn?! I love her. Platonically, of course. I didn't like anyone like that.

    Anyway, April came back into the room, carrying a bucket full of popcorn. She sat down to me and I grabbed a few blankets for us. I threw one over her shoulders and grabbed the popcorn bowl from her lap. She glared at me but didn't take the bowl back.

"What movie are we watching?" I asked before I shoved a whole handful of popcorn into my mouth, choking on it too.   

    "How about 'Don't Breathe'?" April says, turning on Vudu and clicking the search bar. Once we finally found the movie, I noticed it started snowing outside. I gasped loudly, catching April's attention, and darted over to the window. I opened the curtains more and looked at the big, fat flakes covering the ground. April came over to me and looked out over my shoulder. She smiled and grabbed my hand.

    "Lets watch the movie," she whined and tried pulling me back. Reluctantly, I followed her and sat down right next to the popcorn bowl and grabbed my blanket again. We watched the movie in peace and I was kinda disappointed when it ended. How the hell did the old man live through that?! April obviously agreed with me, seeing how her face showed anger and confusion all at once. I stood up, stretching my arms and legs since I've been sitting for two hours. Then I remembered something.

    "Shit! April, do we have anything to do tomorrow?" I asked. I just remembered. Oh I'm such an idiot. How could I forget?! I was supposed to meet my family for dinner.

    "Weren't we going out for lunch together?" she asked, confusion written all over her face.

    "I just remembered something for tomorrow. I'm sorry I can't make it. I'll make it up to you though, I promise." I said and hurried off to my room to get some clothes and my suitcase. My family lives in Vero Beach, which is a few hours from here. Thank god it's winter break.

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