Chapter 11

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April's POV

    I finally got my dress. It was a short baby blue dress with some lace around it. I heard Britney forced a guy named Harley to go with her. She is so desperate to get Harvey to like her. She even got a guy with almost the same name as Harvey like how pathetic is that. She just want it to be like a normal high school where the most popular boy goes out with the most popular girl. I wish me and Harvey were actually dating. That would be amazing.

    What if he asks me at Prom or is that too much to live up to, like that will most likely not happen. What if me and him become prom king and queen. Okay now i'm just talking nonsense. I wish that stuff would happen but I know it won't. I walk up to the school and see Britney and her possy walking over my way. Ugh, why can't she leave me alone.

"Heard you were going to prom with my honey bear!" She yelled / said to me. She smirked, knowing I was probably too scared to stand up to her.

"Yeah, actually. He asked me not too long ago. It was super romantic. I think I have some pictures if you'd like to see..." I trailed off and pretended to search through my pockets for my phone as Britney stomped in frustration.

"He always seems to go for the sluts and whores anyway," Britney said, proud of herself for coming up with that after mine.

"No wonder he dated you for a bit." I retorted. The group behind Britney all gasped at once. Some of them had to cover their mouth to stop from laughing. I couldn't help but smirk at everyone's reaction. I saw Harvey, Jake and Dmitri in the back, far away from the crowd. Jake and Dmitri were smiling at me, but Harvey just looked hurt. My confidence instantly shot down when I saw the look on his face. I moved past the crowd and through the group of people heading to class.

I was determined to say something to Harvey before first period started, but other people had different things in mind. Like making me late to class and missing the chance to talk to Harvey. I didn't want to upset him, but Britney was pissing me off a bit. Plus the look on her face was worth it.

I sat through all my lessons that led up to lunch thinking about what I would say to Harvey. I didn't want him to be mad at me because Britney and I had a little show off. He was my best friend and hopefully going to be my boyfriend. You can't start a relationship while both of you hate each other.

Lunch finally rolled around and I skipped getting my food just to find Harvey and talk to him. I found him sitting under our tree with some of the others. He didn't seem to acknowledge me as I walked up them, which kind of hurt.

"Harvey, can we talk? In private?" I asked, causing everyone's attention to snap towards me. I could feel my cheeks heat up, but kept my ground.

"Yeah. Sure." He said. Nothing seemed wrong, just one thing; his face lacked a smile. He kept that same look from earlier on his face and trudged his way over to me. I gently took his hand and led him to another vacant table.

"What happened earlier? When Britney was causing drama." I asked him cautiously, I didn't want to upset him by saying something stupid, so I thought about my words before I said them. Smart, right?

"Nothing. Just ignore it. By the way, I don't think I can make it to prom." Harvey said, rushing the beginning so fast I could barely understand, but said the last part so clearly I could hear my heart shattering.

"W-what? Is it because of earlier? Did I do something?" I panicked. I was so excited about going to prom with him. I didn't want him to ditch me.

"It's nothing. I'll see you at the house, 'kay?" He stated like it wasn't even up for argument. But for me, it was.

"No, no, no. Talk to me, what's wrong? I thought you were excited about going to prom together!"

"I was," he sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. "But then I heard what you said to Britney earlier and rethought my decision."

"What?! She was being a bitch and I wasn't going to stand around and take that!" I shouted at him. He didn't even flinch.

"This is exactly what I didn't want! You and Britney to be enemies! I wanted to end up still being friends with Britney and have her accept my new girlfriends and stuff, but just the opposite has been happening! I'm done with girls for a while!" With those final words, Harvey stood up, grabbed his jacket and walked away from the table and tree.

What have I done? With that I rethought what I said and ran home. I can't sit next to him in math like this. I got to the house and sat on my bed, bawling my eyes out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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