It All Started In Cuba...

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"Your son." She said.

*One Week Earlier*
    Cuba, it's beautiful but not at all like home. We had an ocean view from our hotel room, we had a few older cars in our garage. We'd been street racing for the past couple of nights, gaining enough money to fly back home.
   "Ariana we'll be home before you know it." Cameron would tell me everyday, and I'd tell him I knew but, I missed my kids.
     Days are going by, no luck getting home. But then I met the women, the women who took my son. She had blonde hair, down to her thighs. Her face made me feel uncomfortable, she had this smirk that could kill.
    I look out from the window on the airplane, the ground looking really tiny, my hands hurt. Having to fight my way out of the hotel me and Cameron were staying at really took a toll on my hands, looking down at them I notice the blood on my left hand. It covered my once beautiful ring, deciding to clean it up I get up from my spot on the couch and make my way to the bathroom.
    The people on this plane were usually guards, showing me what doors I could go through and what ones I couldn't. I hated it. They wouldn't even let me see my son, I tried once this week. Didn't work. They had him under tight security, making sure I couldn't see him was only making me angry.
   "You'll be able to see him eventually." I heard from beside me, turning I was met with the same striking blue eyes I had fallen in love with, instead of seeing the brown shoulder length hair I had gotten use to, I see blonde shoulder length hair.
   "Who are you?" I asked, he looked me up and down. Licking his lips.
   "I go by many names. Caleb mostly."
   "Caleb O'Conner." I said, his smile, almost exactly like his brothers.
   "I thought you were dead?" I asked this time, his eyes flicked this devilish look.
   "I was, or so I made my brother believe." He said, his devilish grin making me hate him. He made me think of everything I left behind, my husband, my daughter.
   "Well, good thing is he still cares about you. Misses you, and you can't even let him know you were alive." I say, he moves across the wall towards me.
   "I honestly could care less about my brother." He said, I knew he meant it. I've said things like that to the people I no longer cared about. But hearing him say this stuff about my husband really hurt, I mean I understand why he "died" but to say he couldn't care about the one person who loved him the most is harsh.
   "Cameron, the one you left behind, is different. Your death changed him, he's now a street racer with two children, a husband. Everything I needed, but your death also changed his way on his family, his children have never met his side of the family, and they never will." I said hatefully to him, he flinched backwards.
   "I could care less about my brother, he never cared for me while we were training to be in the force. Why would he care now?" he asked, I turned around no longer caring about the blood on my hands.
   "Where you going!" he yelled after me, I didn't turn around when I said this.
   "Getting my son back."
Cameron's POV
    Ariana, she's been gone for the past three weeks now. Last time I saw her she was fighting her way out of our hotel, not mentioning why or for whom. Just yelling "Get out of my way", which hurt since I was running after her yelling for security to stop her. I called Dom and told him what happened, he said he'd call the team together and we'd get to Nobody's.
*Later that Week*
    We're all sitting at a table in Nobody's new compound. Talking about Ariana.
    Deckard and Owen Shaw were here to standing by the computers, Dom was walking around the room.
Dom walked past me and touched my shoulder, I jumped and looked up at him.
   "She has betrayed us, her husband, her daughter, and most importantly. Her family." I felt my heart tug when he said daughter. I looked at Tej and Ramsey, Sean and Twinkie were here too. I put my hands on the table in front of me.
     I felt the table lift off the ground same with my chair, Dom went flying into the glass wall behind us. I fell out of my chair and felt my leg underneath the table, Mia and Taylor screamed. I looked up and saw her, Ariana was standing next to the computers where Deckard and Owen had just been standing.
   "Ariana..." were the last words I said before I felt the pain in my right shoulder. The pain, unbearable, made me groan out in pain, when I looked at Ariana again she was getting into a fight with Deckard. She was actually beating him, I noticed there was a women with long blonde hair standing in the doorway. She was smirking as Ariana took out Deckard and then Owen.
   "Ariana, I think they're hurt pretty bad." She said, her voice manly yet still female.
   "Cipher." I heard Dom hiss next to me, my thoughts still surrounding my wife. Her once dark brown hair now blonde, it complimented her light brown eyes.
   "Dominic Toretto. I thought I told you not to interfere with my work." She looked over at Deckard and Owen, both on the ground now, she lifts her hand and two guys come in. One was built almost exactly like me, his hair was to his shoulders like mine. Only it was blonde.
   "Get the Gods Eye back." Cipher said, both looked at her and nodded. Ariana moved next to the one with blonde hair and started talking to him.
   "Caleb, please talk to her. I need to see him." I heard the name, and it all clicked in my mind. He was my "dead" brother, and my wife was all buddy-buddy with him.
   "He'll be fine, you should probably talk to your husband though." He said, she looked around the room and spotted me pinned under the table.
   "I guess, keep her busy?" she asked, by the way his shoulders raised then fell he would. She walked towards me, her blonde hair in her face. She leaned over me, her once calm and gentle smile now replaced with a menacing grimace.
   "How's Isabella?" She asked, her eyes showing compassion for our daughter.
   "That's none-" I was stopped by the searing pain in my right shoulder again. I hissed in pain, she realized and put her hand on my shoulder.
   "I'm sorry I left you and Izzy, but she has Vince. I can't leave him with her." She said, she pushed my shoulder length hair out of my face and leaned down to kiss me.
   "I love you O'Conner." She said as she got up and walked away from me and back to my brother.
   "I love you too Toretto." I whispered back to her. 

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