Chapter 6

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Once we had calmed Vince down we all walked out of the closet. The rest of the team sat outside of the place, Sean the only one inside, he was sitting next to Neela's dead body. I tried to make sure that Vince didn't see her dead body, Cameron put himself in a way that he wouldn't see her.

"Thank you." I whispered to him, he nodded his head and we made our way out the front door. When we made it out the door Vince saw mom, and dad. Dad still had hold of his stab wound, Vince noticed and looked at me.

"The bad guy accidentally hit pawpaw." I told him, he nodded and ran to mom. Once he was in moms arms I looked at Cameron. He was already looking at me, his blue eyes showed hurt, and betrayal.

"We got married not even two months ago and you're already going for another guy." He said, I looked him in the eye.

"I only kissed your brother because we were undercover. I do not have feelings towards him, I love you and only you." I told him as I grabbed his hand, which he tried to pull away but couldn't.

"Damn, why do I keep falling for this." He said before he leaned down and kissed me.

"Because I'm a Toretto, we're irresistible." I told him after pulling away.

"I wish that was the truth." He told me. I heard little feet running towards us, looking down I saw the blue eyes that locked me in all those years ago.

"Mommy, does this mean I can go home?" Vince asked with watery eyes, I felt mine start to water as I realized this still wasn't over. Cipher still has it out for my dad and his family.

"Not just yet buddy, we need to stay with everybody for a little while longer." I told him as I picked him up and kissed his cheek.

"Why's that mommy?" He asked, and I looked at Cameron for help.

"The woman that had you Vince still wants us all hurt, badly hurt. So in order for that not to happen we have to stay with pawpaw and Gammie." Cameron told him.

"Okay, but is Uncle Caleb staying with us too?" Vince asked, Cameron looked down at me, not knowing how to respond to his sons request for his uncle to stay behind with us.

"Of course bud," I heard from beside me, "I'm not going anywhere." Caleb told Vince as he ruffled his hair up a little bit.

"Really?" My six year old son asked his uncle.

"I just met you and want to get to know you, why would I leave?" Caleb asked.

"I don't know why you'd leave." Vince said plain as day, I looked up at Cameron and then back at our son.

"Hey Ariana, I think we should get Isabella out here with us, if we're trying to keep the entire family safe." Cameron whispered in my ear.

"I agree." I said turning my head to look him in the face.

"Caleb can you take Vince for a little bit I need to talk to my husband." I said plain as day.

"Sure thing." He says as he grabs Vince from my arms. I turn around and look at Cameron. He eyes already on me.

"How is she?" I ask him. He looked down at me.

"She's good, for a year and half year old." He chuckled at the end, his eyes flicked down to the ground as he smiled.

"I missed you guys so much. And I understand if you're hurt because I left, but please. Just hear me out," I started, looking up at Cameron he was waiting for me to finish, "He's my son. My first born. The thing that changed my life, and I couldn't just let her have him, not him. And when I left that hotel that day I knew I must've hurt you, because you were yelling at me to come back." I look up at him.

She looked up at me, her brown eyes telling the truth. I want to be able to forgive her completely but I can't. Not yet.

"It did hurt me. What hurt even worse was when I saw you bust into our warehouse and steal our files. The fact you had betrayed not only me, but your entire family. I don't think we'll ever be able to forgive you completely for that, I know I won't. But I'm happy you're back and not with her anymore." I tell her truthfully, she looks down and her feet and then over to where Vince and Caleb were standing.

"When I first met your brother I realized how much I missed you. You two are just like each other, and it hurt. I know you guys will never completely forgive me, but I understand why. I understand everything." Was all she said before she made her way to our son.

Watching her back I felt like I was stupid. She was broken, hurt, and unfixable at this point. All because of some stupid family business thing. But she was raised that way, and she couldn't fix it.

"You know, I don't think her parents will ever forgive her." I hear Jack say next to me, I turn and look at him.

"I know."

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated.... But watt pad logged me out and I had to reset my password and everything... Then school caught up with me... And I've been sick this last week... But just know more chapters are going to be coming so. Also anyone else see what Tyrese posted on his Insta... #fast9

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