Chapter 9

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A blinding pain is what caused me to look up at Cipher. She held a gun and it was pointed at me, smoke coming off of the barrel. I felt my legs give out and arms around me.

"Hey, it's going to be okay, everything is going to be okay." I heard my husband's worried voice tell me, he had tears in his eyes, his shoulder length brown hair in his face. His hands on the wound.

"Cam-" He cuts me off, I look at him, and he looks at me. I memorize his face, how his eyes look at me with such love, how his lips quiver when hes upset, and how his jawline trembles with the thought of losing me. 

I remember my son, his dark brown hair and brown eyes, how he always laughs when I tell him the story of how I met his dad, or how when he was two and we lived in Tokyo and he scraped his knee and he told me that he'd feel better if he could sit in my drifting car.

I remember my daughter. Her laugh so sweet, it was like music to my ears, her eyes shining bright whenever she looked at her father. Her dirty blonde hair in a ponytail or pigtails when she allowed me to pull it up. 

I heard the familiar voice of my father, my eyes searching in front of me to find him. When I do I smile weakly at him, his brown eyes have tears coming out of them. I believe that this is the first time in my life that I've ever see my father cry. 

My mothers voice then soon fills my ears, I once again look for the place she stands. I find her and give her my best smile, she's crying, her hand over her mouth as she looks down at her dying daughter.

6 Hours Earlier 

Caleb and I are sitting in the dining area, the kids are already fast asleep, and we're playing Uno. Because what adults don't play Uno.

"Drawn four." He says to me, I groan and draw four cards, I lay down a change color card.

"Green." I say, he looks at his cards and lays down a green 6. He then looks at me and I smirk.

I lay down a skip card, then a reverse card and then another skip card. He looks at me with wide eyes, I smirk and lay down my final card, a draw four.

"I don't know where you learned to play this game, but damn you're good." He says as he draws four cards.

"Every Friday night we would have a family game night, I usually got to pick, and I picked Uno a lot." I tell him, he nods and we continue playing in silence.

"What do you is taking them so long?" I ask him, he shrugs and looks at me.

"Maybe Cipher hasn't shown up." He says, I shake my head.

"Maybe we should go, see what's happening." I tell him laying my cards down. 

"Yeah and hopefully she doesn't see us." He sets his cards down and stands up he grabs his car keys.

"Well let me tell Taylor where we're going." I tell him, he nods and I walk towards Taylor's room.


I look up at the sky and the pain slowly starts to go away, my husbands voice seems farther away than it did before. I look up at him and watch as tears roll down his cheeks, his hands are still covering up my wound.

"Dom! Call 911!" He yells at my father, I watch as he runs away on the phone trying to get help.

"My God..." I hear Caleb's voice come from beside me, I look at him and give him a painful smile.

"I shouldn't have brought you here, we should've stayed at the compound." He says as he pushes my hair out of my face, I shake my head slowly.

"No," I cough and taste blood, "it was my idea, and I've gotten myself into this mess." I  tell him, he shakes his head.

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